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While Marc, Nathaniel and Ann-Marie went to the arcade, Marinette and Luka enjoyed their Boba teas and chatted.

‘Max came up with an email roster for the Breakfast Club volunteers’ Marinette said.

Luka smiled. ‘That’s a good idea!’

‘Yeah! Mrs McGrady wasn’t expecting such a huge turnout of volunteers for it on Friday, so we thought we would have four at a time to help her, which is plenty

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‘Yeah! Mrs McGrady wasn’t expecting such a huge turnout of volunteers for it on Friday, so we thought we would have four at a time to help her, which is plenty. Especially when we have an hour to prepare’ Marinette replied.

‘Yeah. But don’t you have to take the leftovers from the bakery there each morning?’ Luka replied.

‘On the days I’m not rostered on, someone who is will swing by the bakery and pick them up’ Marinette replied.

‘Ahh, makes sense! Very smart!’ Luka grinned.

‘Yeah, it was Max’s idea. He felt bad he couldn’t help out, then when he heard they had more than enough help, he decided to work out a roster. If anyone calls in sick or can’t do it on a day they’re rostered on, they can email the group and someone else can volunteer to take their place!’ Marinette smiled.

‘Wow, that’s a great idea! Max is so clever! Who’s on tomorrow?’ Luka asked.

Marinette checked her email on her phone. ‘Let’s see... tomorrow morning we have myself, Marc, Nathaniel and Sabrina. She also felt bad she had something on the Friday morning. Which is good as I was hoping to talk to her about yesterday at the pizza party. She just seemed a little bit off to me...’ Marinette said as she furrowed her brow.

‘Off?’ Luka replied.

‘Like, just not herself. Almost like she was when she used to be friends with Chloe...’ Marinette replied.

‘I’m sure she’s fine. She’s probably just nervous about how tomorrow is going to go, when you expose Chloe and Lila’ Luka replied.

‘Yeah, you may be right there’ Marinette nodded. ‘But no harm in asking. We are her friends after all.’

‘That’s true. I’m sure she knows she can confide in you’ Luka smiled.

‘Yeah, she’s come a long way. And it was great she confided in me about Chloe and Lila’s plan so we can be ready for them!’ Marinette grinned determinedly.

‘I know it will go great angel’ Luka smiled as they finished their Boba teas and Luka kissed her forehead as Marinette giggled.

‘I know it will go great angel’ Luka smiled as they finished their Boba teas and Luka kissed her forehead as Marinette giggled

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‘What are your plans for this afternoon?’ Luka asked her as they got ready to leave.

‘Just going to finish off my dress for the end of school dance’ Marinette smiled.

‘I can’t wait to see that!’ Luka smiled. ‘But don’t show me, I want to be surprised!’

‘Same with your outfit!’ Marinette smiled, thinking this would be the first time she’d see Luka in a suit, the thought making her blush slightly.

‘Say, you’re coming to my end of school dance too, right?’ Luka smiled.

‘Is that you asking me?’ Marinette grinned.

‘Oh my gosh, I just realised I haven’t even asked you yet!’ Luka gasped.

‘Well we can ask each other right now!’ Marinette smiled. ‘Lucky your dance is the Friday night and our dance is the following night!’ she chuckled.

‘Yeah! Works out well!’ Luka smiled. ‘Marinette my angel, would you do me the honour of going to my end of school dance with me?’

‘I would be delighted my sweet prince’!’ Marinette grinned. ‘And Luka, would you do me the honour of going to my end of school dance with me too?’

‘Wild horses couldn’t stop me angel’ Luka whispered as he kissed her hair.

‘Aww!’ Marinette smiled happily.

Luka looked at the time on his phone. “I’ll have to get to work soon, I’m starting at 12’ Luka smiled.

‘I could walk you there, maybe we could get some lunch on the way!’ Marinette smiled as Luka nodded.

‘Sounds like a plan my sweet melody’ Luka smiled as they got up as he took her by the hand as they put their empty cups in the bin and headed outside to the street.

‘Sounds like a plan my sweet melody’ Luka smiled as they got up as he took her by the hand as they put their empty cups in the bin and headed outside to the street

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They saw Greasy Abe’s burrito truck too and since Luka paid for their drinks, Marinette insisted she pay for lunch to which Luka finally relented.

Marinette got a chicken burrito and Luka got a beef burrito, just five minutes before Marc, Nathaniel and Ann-Marie got theirs.

They got to the Musique et Art music shop about five minutes to noon.

‘Think I could come in for a little while, maybe hear you play the harp again if it’s still there?’ Marinette smiled.

‘Sure, but if a customer walks in, I’ll have to stop to serve them!’ Luka replied as Marinette nodded in understanding.

They both greeted Mr Handel when they walked in.

‘Hello Luka my boy! And Marinette, haven’t seen you for a while!’ Mr Handel smiled. ‘Good to see you again!’

‘You too Mr Handel! I just came to hear Luka play the harp, it’s been a while!’ Marinette replied.

‘Ahh, yes, it’s still here!’ Mr Handel smiled. ‘He does play it beautifully!’ he added as Luka blushed as he sat down at it and began to play Marinette’s Heartsong.

Marinette smiled and sighed happily at the beautiful music as Luka looked at her with so much love in his eyes.

He played for about five minutes when the bell over the door rang as a customer walked in and he stopped.

Marinette smiled and sighed happily at the beautiful music as Luka looked at her with so much love in his eyes.

‘Think that’s my cue to go! I want to finish off my dress for the school dance!’

Luka smiled. ‘Okay angel. I’ll pick you up for school early tomorrow to help you take the goods from the bakery to the Breakfast Club. Same time as Friday!’ he smiled as he kissed her hair as she nodded as he went to attend to the customer.

Marinette walked back to the bakery and went upstairs to her room, Tikki meanwhile, trying on her hats all afternoon as Marinette finished off her dress.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now