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Meanwhile, Ms Mendeleiev was in her office when the phone rang.

Ms Mendeleiev answers the phone: "Hello, DuPont School, principal Mendeleiev speaking

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Ms Mendeleiev answers the phone: "Hello, DuPont School, principal Mendeleiev speaking."

"Ah, yes, hello principal Mendeleiev. My name is Eleanor Malroy. I was wondering if you received my application for my son to enrol at DuPont for Year 11 next school year after the summer?"

Ms Mendeleiev: "Ahh, yes I was just looking at that right now. For your son Tyrone, is that correct?"

Mrs Malfoy: "Yes, that's correct."

Ms Mendeleiev: "That shouldn't be a problem, we have had a couple of students leave this year so I'm sure we'll have a place for him."

Mrs Malfoy: "Oh that would be wonderful!"

Ms Mendeleiev: "Just reading through the enrolment form you emailed through, so the reason he left his last school has been left blank?"

Mrs Malfoy: "Oh, i-it was? I must have been in a hurry. Uh, we just moved house and the school he was in was out of the area so this school is closer."

Ms Mendeleiev: "Ah, of course. Valid reason. I'll just make a note of that....okay, all done. Everything is in order so I'll look forward to meeting Tyrone when the school year begins after summer break."

Mrs Malfoy: "Fantastic! Thank you for your time Ms Mendeleiev!"

Ms Mendeleiev: "No problem. Have a nice summer. Goodbye."

Mrs Malfoy: "You too, goodbye."


At lunch later that day, the friends all talked about the graduation.

'Ugh, SO glad I don't have to sit through that boring graduation ceremony tomorrow like we did last year' Alya sighed with relief as she ate a carrot stick. 'But on the upside, I just got the message that the last trims for my dress finally arrived at the dressmakers, so as soon as school finishes Friday, I can pick my dress up! Oh, but how will I get to the Liberty to help decorate for Adrien and Kagami's farewell party?' Alya groaned.

'That's okay Alya, you bring the decorations to school Friday morning, and I'll put them in my locker and bring them over straight after school and you can meet us at the Liberty after picking up your dress!' Marinette smiled.

'Thanks girl, you're a lifesaver!' Alya smiled as she hugged her.

'Thanks girl, you're a lifesaver!' Alya smiled as she hugged her

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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant