REACTION (Dhar Mann Inspired Story) - PART 7

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I got to the principal's office and the secretary had me wait in the waiting room for a minute or so until the principal was ready to see me. If they were going to ask me hard questions, I was preparing myself for what I would say and a believable story.

 If they were going to ask me hard questions, I was preparing myself for what I would say and a believable story

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The phone on her desk rang as she picked it up.

'Yes sir....I'll send her in' she said as she put the phone down.

'The principal's ready for you now' the secretary smiled as I nodded.

I took a big deep breath as I walked into his office and saw Mr Damocles there with another man sitting in his office.

'Ah, Ann-Marie, please take a seat' Mr Damocles said as I nodded and did so.

'This is Detective Johnson, he's just wanting to ask you a few questions' Mr Damocles said.

I looked at him, feeling full of confidence from somewhere and asked him. 'Of course, what would you like to know?'

The detective cleared his throat before he replied. 'Well, I just wanted to confirm where you're living now. You and your father have been reported missing by your aunt in Florida and we just wanted to make sure you're okay. They haven't been able to get in touch with you so they asked us to check and make sure you're alright.'

'I'm absolutely perfect! Right as rain!' I smiled, trying to look upbeat and happy.

The detective smiled. 'That's good to hear. But you should really contact your aunt and uncle, they're worried about you. And have your father contact them as well. They just want what's best for you and have your best interests at heart, you know.'

'Oh, yes, well, just the process of moving house and everything, we just got so busy!' I smiled. 'And our Alias rings are in the shop getting fixed! But as soon as we get them back I promise to give them a call!'

'Understandable...' the detective replied. 'But contact with family is important. So if you can, call them as soon as you can.'

I nodded in understanding.

'Speaking of moving house, can you please let me know your current address?' Mr Damocles asked. 'I still have your old address in our system and it's important to keep our school records up to date.'


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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now