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Not long after that, their father came home.

‘Hi girls’ Howard greeted Ashleigh and Penelope.

‘Hi Dad’ they replied as they came and hugged him.

‘Did you hear about Persephone?’ Ashleigh asked him.

‘Yes, well your mother left me a long voicemail about her which I listened to on the metro on the way home, but I get the gist. I trust your mother is still sleeping?’

Ashleigh and Penelope nodded.

‘Don’t be too hard on her Dad’ Penelope said. ‘Some of it was my fault. I didn’t hear who her crush was talking about and it turns out it wasn’t her, it was somebody else.’

Howard smiled. ‘Maybe so kiddo. But she chose to act out in this way. Nobody can blame you for that.’

Penelope nodded, but still felt a little sorry for her sister.

‘Well, better go give our little Queen of Hearts a talking to’ he sighed as Ashleigh and Penelope watched him go upstairs.

Howard knocked on the door quietly.

‘Enter’ a voice replied from inside as Howard opened the door.

‘Hey sweetie, it’s Dad’ Howard said.

‘If you’ve come to yell at me, Mom’s already done enough of that’ Persephone replied.

‘No no, no yelling, I just want to talk. Besides, I don’t want to wake your Mom!’ Howard replied as he sat on the bed as Persephone still lay on her side hugging Penny.

Howard sighed as he decided to break the ice first. ‘Is that one of Penelope’s teddies?’ he asked.

 ‘Is that one of Penelope’s teddies?’ he asked

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

‘No, she’s mine and her name is Penny. Penelope gave her to me’ Persephone replied.

‘Ahh, okay. That was nice of her’ Howard replied. He paused and took another long breath. ‘Look kiddo, you need to be able to keep your emotions in check. As currently this isn’t helping anyone, is it?’ Howard asked.

‘Now you sound like Ladybug’ Persephone smirked.

‘Well, she gave you a magical charm right?’ Howard asked her.

‘Yeah’ she replied as she held the latest magical charm she was given in her hand.

‘Yeah’ she replied as she held the latest magical charm she was given in her hand

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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin