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On Monday morning the Truman girls were going to school in their limo. Ashleigh is showing Penelope a photo on her Alias.

'Look, I found out Luka does have a girlfriend. This is Marinette, she goes to DuPont High' Ashleigh smiled.

'Aww! She's cute! They look so sweet together! Don't you think sis?' Penelope says, trying to show Persephone, who had zero interest.

'I don't CARE about tall, dumb and stupid okay, you should have gotten more photos of Owen!' Persephone scowled.

'Oh, I did, here's one where he's hugging the birthday girl' Ashleigh said, holding up her ring.

'Ugh, hippy girl in there ruins the whole picture' Persephone replied, rolling her eyes. She sighed. One day I'll free you my prince she thought to herself as they reached the school and got out of the limo.

Meanwhile, the girls in the dance group had come up with a plan to get back at Persephone for what she did to Ashleigh on Saturday and spoiling their Bollywood routine.

They watched Persephone, Ashleigh and Penelope walk into the school from behind a corner. Amber signalled to Jameela, who was waiting on an opposite corner who nodded as she emerged in front of them. ‘Morning Ashleigh!’ she smiled as she walked across in front of them.

‘Morning Jameela’ Ashleigh replied as Persephone rolled her eyes.

‘Don’t say good morning to that!’ Persephone hissed as they kept walking but suddenly girls came from every direction all wearing saris as well.

Persephone gasped in shock. ‘What on earth is going on?’ she asked Penelope who shrugged.

Amber smiled at Ashleigh as she walked past, who gave her a smile of gratitude in return.

‘Did you have anything to do with this?’ Persephone asked Ashleigh.

‘With what?’ Ashleigh smiled, acting all innocent.

‘This shameful parade of fashion faux pas!’ Persephone growled.

Amber stopped and looked at Persephone, crossing her arms. ‘Last I heard, we could wear whatever we want to school’ Amber grinned smugly.

‘Don’t recall you being the fashion police!’ Stacey smirked.

‘Well, you’ll have fun when all your hideous dresses get dirty from the playground duty you all have after lunch today and all this week!’ Persephone smirked.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now