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Marinette took the bus to the train station and arrived around 11:50.

Announcer: "Attention passengers: The next train to arrive on Platform 1 terminates here. Please do not board this train."

That's the one I'm waiting on Marinette smiled as the 10 minutes went fast as it pulled into the station.

Marinette looked out for her Nona and soon spotted her.

Marinette looked out for her Nona and soon spotted her

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'Nona! Over here!' she waved.

'Marinetta! How's my little fairy? Although not so little anymore! You been through the growth spurt?' Nona smiled as Marinette chuckled as they hugged.

'It's good to see you Nona! I can't wait to make this day special for my Mom!'

'Yes! Come, come I treat you to lunch! Uh, what's good around here?' Gina asked as Marinette chuckled.

'I know a good place!' Marinette smiled.

They went to the Paris Nord Cafe and sat at a table outside.

They went to the Paris Nord Cafe and sat at a table outside

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The waitress came up to them. 'Welcome to the Paris Nord Cafe. Can I get you any drinks?

'Just orange juice for me' Marinette replied.

'And for you ma'am?' the waitress asked.

'You know, I'll have the same!' Gina smiled.

'Two orange juices, coming right up!' the waitress replied as she left them to peruse the menu.

'What's good here Marinetta?' Gina asked her. 'I've never been here before!'

'The omelettes are good here' Marinette smiled. 'The ham, cheese and mushroom one is my favourite! I think I'll get that one with the fries!'

'In that case, we'll make it two! I trust your judgement my fairy!' Gina smiled as Marinette smiled back.

The waitress came back with their juices and they ordered their omelettes and fries.

'I'm so excited to meet my new grandchild soon!' Gina grinned excitedly.

'Me too! And so are Mom and Dad! And all my friends are equally excited too!' Marinette replied.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now