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Back at the Truman Manor Ashleigh sighed. ‘Okay, I texted an apology to Zoe. I hope she isn’t too mad at me’ she said to Penelope as she came out of Persephone’s room and went back downstairs.

‘I think Persephone is way mad, and rightly so. I totally heard Owen say to someone he was going to ask someone to the dance at the fair. But I never heard a name so I just presumed it was Persephone’ Penelope sighed. ‘I got her hopes up for nothing and just added fuel to the fire. I’m sorry sis...’ she sighed as Ashleigh hugged her.

‘It’s okay sis...’ Ashleigh sighed. ‘You meant well. There’s not a mean bone in your body.’

‘Aww! Thanks sis!’ Penelope replied.

Ashleigh’s Alias ring beeped. ‘It’s a reply from Zoe!’ she smiled.

Zoe: “It’s all good Ash. All’s well that ends well. Owen is now my boyfriend and says he will have strong words with Persephone tomorrow as he’s not too impressed with how she’s made me feel.”

Ashleigh: “I look forward to seeing that! I hope she takes it well, she’s moping in her room right now. But there’s other fish in the sea. She has to move on at some point.”

Zoe: “Yeah. See you at school tomorrow!”

Ashleigh: “Yep, see you!”

Her ring beeped with another text. It was Travis. Ashleigh smiled.

Travis: “Hey mi amor, how was your massage?”

Ashleigh: “Hola mi amor! Very relaxing!”

Travis: “I’m glad❤️”

Ashleigh: “Although now I’m all stressed again. I just found out my sister Persephone got akumatised at the Spring Fair. And she tried to steal her crush away from my friend 😞”

Travis: “Aww, I’m sorry my girl. I did see that on the news while I was at Kevin’s house playing computer games. Kevin and Joel were there, but the villain seemed to leave them alone, she seemed to only be interested in heterosexual couples. Luckily we went there yesterday and not today. I couldn’t live with myself if I’d have said anything mean to you mi amor❤️”

Ashleigh: “Aww!❤️”

Travis: “Hey, have you eaten lunch yet?”

Ashleigh: “Not yet”

Travis: “Me either. Are you busy now? Wanna maybe grab some lunch and then we can go to the arcade and I can try to win you that purple bear I told you about earlier this week😊”

 Are you busy now? Wanna maybe grab some lunch and then we can go to the arcade and I can try to win you that purple bear I told you about earlier this week😊”

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Ashleigh: “Actually, that sounds really fun...”

Ashleigh looked over at Penelope who sighed as she sat on the couch, still feeling a little upset about Persephone.

Ashleigh: “But do you think I could ask a favour?”

Travis: “Anything for you my girl❤️”

Ashleigh: “Do you think we could invite Penelope with us to cheer her up? She’s a little bummed about Persephone and our Mom is sleeping after her shift at work and I don’t want to leave her alone by herself with her thoughts with her anxiety...🥺”

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now