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Luka suddenly comes running over to them, and began following Ladybug’s instructions in her text and looks angrily at Lord Peacock. ‘Hey, you! Something’s wrong! As soon as you left Marinette disappeared in my arms! Bring her back right now!’ Luka pleaded.

‘Felix?!’ Adrien gasped.

‘How could you do that to our dearest friend?’ Kagami added.

‘But that’s impossible, I’m sure I never made her disappear!’ Lord Peacock replies. ‘Okay, I’ll bring her back right now!’

He snaps his fingers but nothing happens. ‘Huh? That's weird...’ He snaps his fingers again in hopes of bringing back Marinette, but still nothing. He starts to panic. ‘Huh?! I don't understand! She should come back!’ He continues to snap his fingers to no avail. ‘Something's wrong! I can usually bring back whoever I want, but it's like she's nowhere! Like she's completely gone! I'm sorry!’

Now furious, Luka, Adrien and Kagami shoot daggers with their eyes.

‘Sorry? You're sorry?!?!’ Luka growls, making his hands into fists of anger.

Adrien scowls. ‘You're not even in control of your own power Felix! Don't you realize what you've done? Bring everyone back! NOW!!!’

Lord Peacock sighs. ‘Okay, okay, alright. I never meant to hurt you and Kagami. And especially get in the way of true love’ he says, looking remorsefully at Luka, whose expression had softened, but he still looked serious.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now