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The next morning, Friday morning, at almost 4am when Tom's alarm was almost about to go off to start warming up the ovens in the bakery, Sabine had gotten up to go to the bathroom when all of a sudden she grabbed her stomach. 'Uh-oh...Tom?' she said, with a hint of urgency in her voice.

'Wha? Wha-what? Is the house on fire?' Tom said as he sat up and blinked his eyes.

'Uh, no honey...I think my water just broke...' Sabine replied.

'Y-You mean, it's time?!' Tom smiled.

'Y-You mean, it's time?!' Tom smiled

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'Mmm-hmm!' Sabine smiled.

Tom got up in such a hurry he tangled himself up in the sheet. 'Woah!' he cried as he fell off the side of the bed.

'Tom, are you okay?' Sabine asked.

'Yes, yes, just fine!' Tom replied as he quickly untangled himself and got up. 'Okay, nobody panic! We're ready, we got this!'

Marinette knocked on the door and came in their room yawning. 'I heard voices, what's happening?'

'Your mother's water just broke!' Tom exclaimed.

'You mean, today's the day?!' Marinette said excitedly.

'Yes honey! Oooh!' Sabine winced as she clutched her stomach.

'Okay okay okay, uh, we gotta get to the hospital!' Tom cried as he started hurrying around the room.

'Can I come too?' Marinette asked.

'No sweetie, labour could take hours. Besides, it's Friday, you have school!' Sabine replied.

'Yes, and didn't you say you had an algebra exam today?' Tom replied.

'Oh,'s worth 30% of my grade' Marinette replied.

'Well you can't miss that!' Tom replied.

'You can come to the hospital once school is over sweetie, and hopefully the baby will be born by then!' Sabine smiled. 'Ooh! Tom!'

'Right, overnight bag I packed, where is it?' Tom asked.

'In the hall closet where you left it Dad' Marinette smiled.

'In the hall closet where you left it Dad' Marinette smiled

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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now