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Meanwhile, backstage, Summer Nightingale was meditating as she controlled her breathing. Okay, your parents are here. They are in the front row. You've practiced so hard to get here! Now give them a performance that's going to knock them dead! Summer thought to herself.

She came out of her dressing room as Ms Collingwood, her singing teacher came up to her. 'Oh Summer! I know you will do absolutely fantastic! Everyone was blown away by your performance in rehearsals! You've practiced so hard for this! I know your parents will be proud!' she said as she hugged her.

 'Oh Summer! I know you will do absolutely fantastic! Everyone was blown away by your performance in rehearsals! You've practiced so hard for this! I know your parents will be proud!' she said as she hugged her

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'Thanks Ms Collingwood!' Summer smiled. 'I know I couldn't have done it without your help and support! You've been such an inspiration to me. And helped me be the best I can be! I'm dedicating this performance to you!'

Ms Collingwood beamed with pride. 'Oh Summer! That is so nice! Thank you! You've been a pleasure to teach over the years! I look forward to the next two as well! And I think you could be valedictorian too one day! Just like-'

Summer was about to say 'I know who you mean' when a familiar voice was heard.

'Sis!' Clara Nightingale said as she came up and hugged her.

'Clara' Summer replied flatly as she didn't hug her back. 'How nice of you to take valuable time out of your busy schedule to see me perform.'

'Oh well, I come every year to give out the diplomas to all the graduates!' Clara smiled. 'But seeing you perform too is the icing on the cake!'

'How nice I'm being compared to a mere dessert condiment' Summer replied as Clara was already chatting to Ms Collingwood

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'How nice I'm being compared to a mere dessert condiment' Summer replied as Clara was already chatting to Ms Collingwood.

'Clara! So good to see you!' Ms Collingwood grinned as she hugged her. 'Seems like only yesterday you graduated from here yourself! Not five years ago!'

'I know! And it feels like only yesterday you were my singing teacher and now you're teaching my sister! How the time does fly!' Clara smiled.

Summer rolled her eyes as she got ready to perform. Might as well be invisible she thought to herself as the bell rang for one minute to curtain.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu