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Back at the hospital, Dr Andrews came in to see Sabine while Marinette was still holding a sleeping Tristan.

Back at the hospital, Dr Andrews came in to see Sabine while Marinette was still holding a sleeping Tristan

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'Oh, sorry! Didn't realise you had company!' she smiled.

'That's okay!' Luka replied. 'It's almost 4:30, I think visiting hours are almost over so we should get going. Besides, I need to get an early dinner before the second Romeo and Juliet performance.'

'Oh, yes of course!' Marinette smiled as she carefully got up and gave Tristan back to Sabine.

'Oh, Dad, think my friends could come meet Tristan tomorrow morning too?' Marinette asked.

'Sure, I don't see why not! But would have to be two at at time!' Tom replied.

'No problem! What time do visiting hours start?' Marinette asked.

'9:30' Dr Andrews smiled.

'Great! I'll let everyone know!' Marinette smiled.

She went up to her brother and kissed his forehead gently. 'Bye Tristan!' Marinette whispered. 'It was so nice to meet you at last!'

'Welcome to the world little man!' Luka smiled as they both waved and went out the door.

'Well,' Dr Andrews said softly so as not to wake the baby. 'Everything is looking good, the baby seems fine with no health issues. But being that you're an older mother and no doubt exhausted from your labour, we would ask that you stay overnight tonight and all being well you can go home tomorrow around lunchtime!'

'Thank you so much doctor!' Sabine whispered as Tom nodded in agreement.

'We can't thank you enough!' Tom smiled.

'Pleasure is all mine!' Dr Andrews smiled. 'Oh, and don't forget to install a good, safe car seat capsule for tomorrow when you take your wife and son home' she smiled.

Tom gasped. 'Oh! Good point! I didn't think of that! I wonder if I could get to the shops before they close!' Tom said, panicked as he hurried out the door.

Sabine smiled. 'Toooom, you could always go in the morning....aaaand he's gone!' she chuckled softly shaking her head.


When they got back to the waiting room, Gina and Rolland were still there.

'How did you like little Tristan?' Rolland asked.

'How did you like little Tristan?' Rolland asked

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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 2 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now