One Hundred Fifty-Four

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It's been four days. I haven't spoken to Casey in four days since she proposed and I said no. Not once have I called to check on her... and neither did she. It's like we both know what's going on and neither of us are fighting it. 

I lift my head from the phone screen, my eyes landing on Rayne and Anne in the kitchen. I was glad to have someone in my corner during this. I couldn't help but wonder who Casey had to talk to.

She'd probably have Cassandra and Eddie in her corner. Knowing her, she wouldn't tell anyone about her proposal until well... probably never. But Edwin was her absolute best friend and a part of me feels like she told him about her plans which led to Cassandra finding out.

Letting out a breath, I sit back against the couch, my thumb hovering over the call button lingering close to Casey's name. I want to hear her voice, even if it would be the last time. 

I stare at the screen before the familiar ringtone I saved specifically for Casey's number rings. It echoed in the room forcing several eyes on me as Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You played. 

My heart was in my throat, throbbing, begging me to answer. But I couldn't. Even as I wanted to hear her voice, see her smile, and kiss her lips, I was frozen in time, unable to answer. 

What would I even say? What could she possibly have to say? Would we fight? Would she end it? 

My eyes widen as my phone is snatched from my grasp. Anne eyes the screen before I see her thumb land on the green button and swipe to the right. She answered. She put it on speaker and waved her hand in my face, trying to get me to say something... anything. 

I part my lips but nothing. Absolutely nothing came out.

"Mallory," Casey spoke softly. She didn't sound like she'd been crying. She sounded like she was fine. Like everything was in my head. 

The younger brown-skinned woman cleared her throat. "I... I didn't call to talk about what happened. I'm going out of town for a few days and I wanted to let you know in case you were expecting to come over or something."

"Wh... why?" I question, my heart throbbing painfully as I think about the last time she skipped town. Albeit, we didn't know each other when she left but I knew how hurt everyone was about it. I didn't want to experience it.

She sighed, "To clear my head. I need to not be here, scared we'd run into each other at some point. I don't know what to say about anything and I don't want to start now. So... I'll leave your car at your place... the keys will be under the left front tire."

"You can't just leave," I spit.

Silence. I'm met with silence. I frown in disbelief as I grab the phone from Anne and make my way outside. "Casey, you... you can't leave."

"I'm coming back. I'll come back," she voices softly.

"No, no. We can... we can..." I close my eyes and press my thumb into my right eye. "We can talk... we have to. You can't just leave when you don't want to talk."


"No! You can't leave. We have to talk. It's been 4 days, Casey."

"I wasn't the one who said no. It was you, Mallory. And you haven't called me. I sat by my phone for 4 days waiting for you to call and say... something and you didn't."

I frown, "I... I was hurt."

"For what? Did you propose in front of an entire restaurant only for your girlfriend to say no? And it wasn't a quiet answer either. I'm the one who's hurt, Mallory, so yes, I am leaving for a few days. Just... we can talk when I get back."

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