One Hundred Thirty-Six

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My brows furrow together as I stare at the Hispanic woman on the other side of the door. I don't remember telling her where we lived, respecting Kathryn's wishes that she didn't want anyone to know where we lived... yet except for Emily. 

"I'm sorry, I know I'm 30 minutes early. We got lost and Paul ended up speeding to make sure we got here on time because that makes us responsible," the woman rambled before lifting her head. Her brown eyes meet my gaze almost immediately. 

I stare at the woman, taking her in. We hadn't hung out in a while excluding work. This was my first time seeing her in something other than business casual attire. I inhale just as Kathryn speaks up. "It's fine, Stephanie. I managed to finish cooking a lot earlier than I expected. So for me, you're right on time," she smiles as I step aside to let her in.

Once she's inside I begin closing the door only for someone on the other side to push it back open. "Whoa, she's got a plus one," I hear a deep voice from the other side of the door before a light-skinned man steps inside.

The man stood before me and offered an awkward chuckle as his eyes traveled the length of my body. I frown in response. I was so busy trying to figure out who he was that I hadn't heard him speak. 

I furrow my brows as I glance at Stephanie before my eyes land on my girlfriend in confusion. "Who... who is this?" I question the two, hoping for an answer.

Stephanie turned toward me, grabbing my attention away from my girlfriend. A small smile landed on her lips as she glanced at the light-skinned man. "Mateo this is Paul, my boyfriend. Babe, this is my best friend," she introduces. 

"What?" I hiss, unsure I heard correctly. Stephanie had been single for about 4 years so it was unbelievable that she allowed herself to get into a relationship. Especially after she specifically told me she didn't want to get into another relationship unless said relationship was with the person she wanted to marry.

Maybe I didn't know who she was talking about but I knew for a fact that it wasn't Paul. Not once in the past 4 years has Paul ever come up as a topic. 

"¿Cuánto tiempo llevan saliendo ustedes dos? (How long have you two been dating?)" I question. 

She eyes Paul before her gaze meets mine again. "We've been together for a month and a half now."

"And you never brought him up! I'm your best friend, Stephanie," I hiss, upset she kept it a secret that long. When Kathryn and I first got together, I told her about our relationship a week after we started dating. 

Stephanie clears her throat. "I didn't think it mattered. Plus we haven't been hanging out outside of work. I never got the time to tell you. But I'm telling you now."

I roll my eyes, "Whatever, I'm going to go change."

As I step into the bedroom, I unbutton my shirt and throw it onto the bed. I couldn't for the life of me understand why learning about Stephanie's boyfriend made me undeniably upset. It didn't make sense. When she was single and sleeping around, I didn't care, I wasn't upset about the men she was taking home. But now that she was in a relationship, I could feel my blood boiling in anger.

Once dressed, I made my way back into the dining room. My lips turn into a deep frown as I spot Stephanie and her boyfriend on one side of the table, flirting like they had no care in the world.

Rolling my eyes, I make my way into the kitchen where Kathryn is. I grab Antonio from her and hold him on my hip. "So you invited Stephanie and her little friend..." I voice before frowning. "I hate to admit it but I would prefer Heaven and Haven."

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