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Setting the bags on the counter, I turn towards my mother. "I heard that there has been a lot of house robberies near here, so you guys may want to be careful" I inform, pulling the older woman into me. 

"As if Christian would let anyone rob us. I'll feel bad for the robbers instead if they decide to pick this house for a robbery."

I nod my head and let out a laugh, knowing damn well she was right. Anyone who thought they'd rob this house wasn't going to be a lucky person. "Will you and Kathryn be coming over for dinner?" she questions, hopeful for a positive answer.

I shake my head, letting her down. "We have two appointments back to back. But we'll try to come have dinner after church." Her smile automatically puts a smile on my face as well. I pull the smaller woman into me once again before excusing myself. 

Coming here today was not a part of my usual plan. But I was randomly compelled to check on my parents to see how they were doing when I spotted my mother grabbing groceries from her trunk. 

The sudden ringing from my phone grabs my attention as soon as I make it towards my car. Sighing, I pull the device from my pocket and glance at the caller ID. Christian 2.0.

Answering the phone, I immediately frown. "Did you block my number?" Kianna's distasteful voice hits my eardrum. Groaning, I realize that avoiding and ignoring her was going to be close to impossible. If I hang up now, she'll just call back or get a new number and call from that number.

Possibly even show up at our apartment. God, some people just can't take a fucking hint. Everybody meet Kianna Anderson the female version of Rai Rossen. Of course, prettier and attracted to me instead of my fiance.

"Hello?" she questions over the silence. I sigh once more as I force myself into my car. "Yes, I blocked your number. I blocked you on all social media and I was hoping to never hear from you again" I spit honestly.

I hear her continue speaking but the phone is pulled away from her ear. "Shit, you called Casey?" Christian is obviously annoyed. "You know Kianna, you're getting annoying as fuck. The only reason I let you over is because you're Aaron's friend."

"I just wanted to ask her--"

"Well don't. Casey is getting married to Kathryn. She doesn't want you. You are not good enough for her to cheat on her wife. When you first hit on her, she told you then she wasn't interested. Please get the idea and fuck off."

I pull my lips into a thin line, trying to hide my laughter from the dark-skinned woman on the other line. "Sorry about that" Chris' voice is guided at me. "Nah, it's good. I'll talk to you later man."

He hangs up the phone and I'm left to my own thoughts. It takes me half an hour to get home, where I'm met with the yummy sight of my fiance struggling to get up the steps to our apartment. Snickering, I park the car and quickly exit. 

"You look like a penguin, waddling from side to side and you're only in your second trimester" I tease, approaching the woman. I place my hands on her hips. "Great, I get to hear pregnant jokes from my soon-to-be-wife. I'll be looking forward to the fat jokes once I get my mom-bod," the brunette spits sarcastically.

Once we make it up the stairs, I hide my grin. "Is it safe to assume that it's the pregnancy hormones talking? You seem pretty annoyed."

Kathryn sighs and turns towards me. I notice the visible bags under her pretty brown eyes along with her pale skin. 

"I'm pregnant Casey. In case you forgot. I have to carry a child for 9 months. In the 5th month they tend to be more active and as adorable as that is, it hurts like a bitch. I can feel the baby turning in my womb. Also, it took me 30 minutes to get myself out of bed this afternoon."

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