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My eyes remain glued to my fiancé as she moves around the apartment. She wasn't aware of my presence since she had her earphones in and I knew for a fact she had to be blasting her music because that's what she always does. 

I smile, intrigued at the sight. I walk down the hallway and yawn into my fist, grabbing her attention. She smiles and removes an earbud from her ear. "Good afternoon."

"Afternoon. What are you doing?" I question, standing on my toes to give her a kiss. I frown noticing the difference in our height. "I was cleaning up. We've got company coming over tonight."

I raise a brow in confusion. I don't remember anything about company. I place my hands on my hips, "Who?"

"Emily, Sophia, Cane, and Diana. Don't you remember talking to them last week about this? Emily had been complaining about me hogging you so you invited her over?" She questions, trying to get me to remember said conversation.

I shake my head in confusion. "Well, they'll be here later. Oh, Chris and Kianna are also coming over, so heads up, I guess."

Immediately I frown at the mention of Kianna's name. I honestly didn't understand why Casey was still hanging around the girl. Kianna has made it obvious even after we got engaged, that she was interested in Casey and didn't necessarily care that she was in a relationship.

Casey notices the sudden mood change. "I know, baby. I know."

"No, Casey. You clearly don't! Why are you even talking to her?" I question, annoyed. We've already had to deal with this with Desire. You'd think she'd learn her lesson. But clearly, my feelings don't apply to her friends

She sighs, "Can we not today?" 

I furrow my brows in disbelief. "When we first started dating and it was clear that Cane liked me, I stopped hanging out with her. She had been my best friend for years and I was willing to sever our friendship to please you. Why can't you do the same? Why is it so hard for you to exclude her from things?"

I eye my fiance, waiting for an answer. A few minutes go by and I don't receive an answer. I sigh and remove my engagement ring, which of course grabs her attention. "Why would I marry you if you don't consider my feelings, Casey? She has been pinning after you since y'all met and even after you told her about me, even after she met me..." I trail.

Her eyes remain on the ring, "Even after you told her you were interested in one woman and one woman only, she didn't give up. And you know how I feel about her. You know I don't like her and you ignore my feelings and keep hanging around her. That clearly shows me that you have little to no regard for the woman you love."

I slip the ring back onto my finger and exit the living room. Guess it's 'Fuck Kathryn's feelings'

Somehow, I managed to avoid my own fiance in this one-bedroom apartment. And eventually, our guests were here. Emily immediately pulled me in for a hug, a wide grin on her face. "Fuck, I missed you" she fake cries. 

I pull away after a few seconds, "Careful, Keith might be born flat from how tight you're hugging me" I chuckle. I knew the name would get Casey's attention. Her brown eyes land on me before being directed to Diana. 

I direct my eyes to my friends, not daring to be caught up in Casey's shenanigans. "The tension is thick, what happened?" Sophia questions as I back up to allow them into the apartment.

Shrugging my shoulders, I ignore the question. If I think about it any more than I already was, I knew tonight would be nothing but chaos. My eyes were immediately brought away from my friends as I spot Chris and Kianna. I watch in anticipation, wondering if Casey would hug the girl while I was here.

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