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I can't help but chuckle internally as I glance over at my hungover sister. She wore shades to protect her eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Annoyance weaved in her tone as she spoke to Brooklyn. But she had no one to be upset with other than herself. She's the one who wanted to get hammered.

"Why does Josh live so far?" Brook groans as she yawns and stretches to the best of her ability. I chuckle, "Actually it's not him who lives far. I moved further away from everybody. I mean I'm still relatively close to Em but that's also because she moved too."

The brunette sighs loudly, "I don't really care who moved further away! Why aren't we there yet? What speed are you doing, 10mph?" she spits, glaring at me. I roll my eyes as I glance away from my sister in the backseat. "We're almost there, don't get your panties in a bunch."

Sighing once again, Brooklyn gets comfortable in the backseat again. Glancing in the rearview mirror, I spot Amanda still asleep behind me. I can't help but feel left out. Everyone was suffering from hangovers, meanwhile, I feel absolutely fine. I don't even know when the last time I got drunk is. 

But then again, I tried my best not to let Mateo see me like that. A lot of things could happen if I let myself intoxicated. A lot of things I would regret him witnessing. 

The remaining ride to Josh's home is spent in silence as Abigail and Amanda were asleep and Brooklyn spent her time on her phone. I park in the driveway, smiling as I spot Sarah making her way out of the home with Louise strapped into the baby carrier on her shoulders. God, sometimes I forget she's had a child.

I wake Abigail up as Brooklyn wakes her girlfriend. Once they're both aware we've made it to our destination, I climb out of the truck, not stopping to worry about them. My eyes were on the cutest Howard... well until I have my child. "She's so chubby," I coo, grabbing Louise's little feet. Her brown eyes land on me.

"How are you?" I question my sister-in-law as I glance up to meet her gaze. She smiles softly, "Grateful. Life as a mother has been great so far, I'm happy this miracle happened," she chuckles, pinching Louise's cheeks softly.

The baby giggles cutely at her mother's touch.

Sarah glances behind me, her brows raising. "What's wrong with them?" she questions, slightly worried about them. I chuckle and glance back at the three. "They're just hungover. We should take this inside before one of them falls over," I joke.

Nodding her head in agreement, Sarah turns on her heel and makes her way back into the home. We follow behind her. Josh immediately greets us at the door. "You made it! I was beginning to miss you! You never come over anymore," he pouts, pulling me into a hug. 

I smile guiltily. "Sorry. But I also didn't because I knew you two have a lot on your plates now that little Louise is here, but I promise to visit more since we'll have something in common soon. You two can give me all your tips and advice," I mutter as I hug the man back.

He pulls away quickly, eyeing me. "What do you mean by that?" he questions, eyes moving all over my face and body to figure out what I was saying. I chuckle softly and offer a genuine smile. "Your little sister is pregnant!" I spit with excitement. 

Josh and Sarah pause in the greetings and two pairs of brown eyes land on me. "What?" Josh questions, unsure he heard correctly. God, what is with everyone and not taking me seriously? "I'm with child...Preggers... knocked up... expecting... any of those ring a bell?" I laugh.

Sarah smiles and pulls me into a hug to the best of her abilities without suffocating Louise. "Oh my god! Congratulations! I— Kathy, how long have you been pregnant?" she questions excitedly. I smile, "A little after you had Louise actually. My pregnancy was confirmed on April 8th. Gosh, I've been pregnant for a month already," I mutter, my smile growing bigger.

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