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I could see Casey out of the corner of my eye smiling at something on her phone before shutting it off and setting it face down between us on the burgundy suede couch. "I'm gonna go to the store and get some snacks, you want anything?" she questions, eyeing me with a shit-eating grin.

"Chips, the mystic barbeque ones. I would also like some recess cups, large water, and a slushie. Make sure you mix my slushie, I don't want just one flavor."

I actually didn't want anything. But I was hoping she'd take leave her phone so I could do some investigating. She leans over, the smile never leaving her beautiful face as she pressed her lips against my cheek. "You're going to love this," she whispers.

"Hm? Of course, I am, that's why I'm telling you to get it for me."

Her brown eyes gleam in mystery and she hops off the couch, fortunately leaving behind her phone. I think she was too distracted to remember she was leaving it on the couch. I watch the woman giddily slip into my Adidas slides and grab the keys, exiting the apartment.

Something was definitely going on with Casey. She had been secretive since last Friday. Turning her phone away from me every time I entered the room, placing her phone face down every time she walked off away from it, she even changed her passcode and her notification settings.

Usually, when she got a notification, you could see the person's name and the first sentence of their message. But now, it only showed names and nothing more. 

Cheating was definitely out of the picture, I know for a fact that she would never cheat on me. So it was either a surprise she didn't want me to know about or... well that's pretty much all I could figure out.

I wasn't sure if she had bought me something and was waiting for the package to arrive to surprise me. Or if she was planning a surprise mini-vacation somewhere. And honestly, it's driving me completely insane. Even Cane had no idea what she was doing and Casey usually tells the woman all her secrets. 

Sighing, I grab my lover's phone. She had run off to the store to get snacks so I had a few minutes to figure out her passcode. I knew for sure, it had to be something relating to us. I tried the one I remembered. 3115 which stood for (Casey Annise, Kathryn Elizabeth) CAKE. 

I groan as the phone tells me it's the wrong password. You know what, I give up. I throw the woman's phone onto the couch. Instead of sneaking around to find out her passcode, I'm just going to confront her the moment she get's home. 

I turn on the TV to distract my attention away from the device, wondering how much longer it would take the woman to get back. I don't know when or how I fell asleep but I woke to the sound of Casey entering the apartment and telling someone to be quiet.

I quickly shut my eyes, wondering who she was talking to. I tried not to smile as I heard several footsteps make their way towards the couch. A warm hand met my shoulder, shoving me lightly. "Babe, wake up," Casey muttered. I groan and open my eyes, coming face to face with my fiance. 

She smiles, eyes moving behind me. I follow her gaze and immediately I feel my heart stop as I stare at all the familiar faces. "My baby girl is all grown up, isn't she?" my father questions with a wide grin. I let out a puff of air and turn towards Casey, confused. She smiles, rubbing the back of her neck, "Uhm... surprise!"

"Wha- Ho- Oh my god," I try not to cry as I glance back at my parents and older siblings. It's been some years since I last saw them and seeing them was making me very emotional. I place my finger under my nose as my vision blurred. 

Is this what she was putting together behind my back? I sniff and stand from the couch to greet my family. "We just wanted to see you before we hit the sack," my mother smiles, kissing my cheek.

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