One Hundred Twenty-One

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Stuffing the last piece of luggage into the trunk, I can't help but exhale nervously. We hadn't even left Houston but I was freaking out deep down. It was finally time that I met Mallory's mother and sister and nothing could prepare me for such. I didn't know what to expect.

All I knew was Mallory's mom had to be a great person, I mean with a daughter like Mallory there was no way she wasn't. "Done?" Mallory's voice grabbed my attention away from my thoughts. I nod as I let out yet another nervous breath which catches her attention.

"Are you okay?" she giggles, knowing exactly what I was worried about. I groan, "I'm nervous, babe. I'm about to meet your mom and sister. What if they don't like me?" I question, scared of that outcome.

Mallory rolls her eyes as she steps into me, placing a soft kiss against my lips. "Casey, you do realize that it's very unlikely for someone to dislike you? You're too sweet and caring to be disliked. My mom will love you and Anne may give you a hard time but I know she's going to like you too."

I pout, her words soothing my thoughts. "You better be right," I mutter before kissing her and closing the trunk. "We're stopping by your mom's place. Did you get the Christmas presents?"

I nod as I point to the backseat. She peeks into the car before nodding. "Am I meeting them today? I mean, the drive is only about 4 hours, so we'll be there early enough for me to meet them but... shouldn't I settle in or something? Get myself pumped before embarrassing myself?" I spit, still extremely nervous.

Mallory giggles at me. I want to be upset that she found my freaking out funny but she's so breathtaking that I get distracted. "Calm down, okay? I wasn't going to force you to meet her today. I wanted to let you explore Dallas a little. You'll meet her tomorrow morning, though."

I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding, relieved from the information. We climb into the car and make our way to my mother's. Since I wouldn't be spending Christmas with family this year, I wanted to ensure I gave them their gifts before leaving. I had already told Cassandra to meet us over there.

"Is there anything I should know about your family?" I question, wanting to make sure I didn't go in blind. Mallory quickly glances at me. "My little sister, Anne, she's very protective of me. So don't be startled if you get stuck in an interrogation, I promise she means well," she chuckles at the thought of the younger woman.

Clenching my jaw, I eye Mallory. "How did she take it?" I questioned before clearing my throat to specify what I was asking about. "Uh... when she found out about your father... How did she take it?"

Mallory inhales and exhales as she continues the drive to my mom's place. Silence engulfs us for a few minutes before she speaks up. 

"As I said before, she didn't find out until I was in my junior year of college," she exhales. 

I watch the brown-skinned woman, kind of regretting asking her. "When she found out the truth, it broke her. She didn't know who to be upset with. She wanted to be upset with me for not telling her. She was upset with herself for continuously visiting him, and she was upset with him. They had to kick her out and ban her from visiting him because she was so angry."

The brown-skinned woman chuckles lightly at the thought of her sister. 

"The reason she found out..." she starts and I see a tear leave her eye, "was because she saw the cuts on my arm. I couldn't keep it from her any longer but sometimes I wish I had. Learning what he did... made her a different person. Sometimes that change can be great but sometimes it can get in the way."

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