One Hundred Forty-Eight

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Letting out a breath, I step back to admire the work I have already done so far. It wasn't much but at least it was something. It's better than what I had at Emily's or Cassandra's. This place was different. Even though I was a visitor, it was home for however long I wanted it to be. And I plan on staying longer than 2 months. So, it's home for now.

I bite my lip in thought, realizing how awkward it is to be living with my ex-fiancée's mother. Although Lillie is like family, it didn't take away the fact that she is still the mother of my ex. 

How would I even explain this to Casey if she ever came over? She already wants to buy me a house so finding out I live with her mother will only make her more eager to do it. And I don't want her to. I don't need her to. 

My head snaps to the bedroom door as I hear knocking echoing through the home. I frown. Lillie didn't mention company before she left and I haven't told anyone I'd be here. The knocking continues, forcing me out of the bedroom and down the hallway. I casually check around to make sure no one else is in the home before getting to the front door.

I peek through the peephole allowing my eyes to land on Mallory.

Pulling away from the door, I furrow my brows in confusion before unlocking and opening the door. I quickly come face to face with the brown-skinned woman and surprisingly Casey isn't behind her. It was always odd to see one and not the other. They're pretty much a packaged deal.

"Uh... Hi?" I greet, unsure why she was here. And without her girlfriend.

Her cognac-brown eyes stare at me as she smiles softly before clearing her throat. "I heard from a little birdie... Casey, that today's your birthday," she informs.

I can only press my lips together and furrow my brows, her statement not really letting me know why she was here. They could've sent me a text if they wanted to wish me a happy birthday. Mallory let out a breath and continued. 

"So, firstly, happy birthday. And secondly... I... well, Casey thought you'd be alone this year especially after what happened with Mateo and I'm sure you don't want to do much today because we did a lot yesterday," she chuckles before her smile grows.

"I wanted to take you out."

Silence sets in for a long pause before my brows raise at her statement causing her to laugh awkwardly and clear her throat... again. "Not like a date! I'm with Casey, which you know, and I'm not Casey...I would never sleep with my friends' ex...." she pauses, embarrassed.

Chuckling, she cups her face with her hands, hiding herself in embarrassment. I can't help but laugh at the display she was giving. If there's one thing about Mallory, it was that she was very confident, so seeing her be a mumbling mess was adorable to say the least. 

She exhales deeply before allowing her gaze to meet mine once more. "I wanted to ask if I could take you to get mani-pedis and dinner, if you're not busy."

Now, how could I reject that offer when she went out of her way to make this proposal to the ex of her current girlfriend. I smile before chuckling. "Yeah, I would love to... and I wouldn't say I'm busy per se, I just... I'm kind of moving in right now and I was in a good pace," I voice.

Mallory nods her head, "That's fine. I'm available to help out if you want."

Smiling at the brown-skinned woman, I nod my head before letting her in. "Does... does Casey know you've turned down her offer to buy you a house so that you can live with her mother instead?"

Frowning, I glance at the woman. She smiles, glancing at me. "I overheard you two yesterday. And I'm not upset. Casey's just always been the person who's willing to help if she can. And she is right, you have a child now so moving around so much isn't... great."

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