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Yawning, I glance down at my phone, wondering how much longer until we reached our destination. I let out a breath and glance over to my fiance who surprisingly has been asleep this whole time. Keeping my eyes on the road, I try to push my exhaustion away. You'd think after having sleepless nights during college, you'd be able to drive 14 hours without getting sleepy.

Just 4 more hours until we reach our destination. You can do it Casey Kings! You've got this!

My head turns slightly towards the brunette beside me as I hear her stir in her sleep. She turns her head, brown eyes landing on me in confusion. She sits up and glances around, "We... we're not in Houston," she mumbles the obvious.

Chuckling, I nod my head and turn my attention back to the road. "Where are we?" the woman questioned, slightly panicked. "At the moment we are on Interstate 75," I inform.

Her eyes land on me, "What? Forget what highway we're on! Why are you driving? Why is it so bright outside? What's going on?" she hissed, clearly not liking being confused about her whereabouts.

I place my hand on her leg, calming her down immediately. She glanced down at my hand before her eyes meet mine. "Are you hungry babe?" I question, ignoring her previous onslaught of questions.

Blinking rapidly, she sat back in her chair and nodded her head. I smile at the woman, "We're on the way to your birthday present."

"How long have you been driving?" she questions, keeping her eyes on the road. "Almost 11 hours. We'll go to the next restaurant we see, I need to stretch as well."

I feel her hand rest on mine as she plays with my fingers. "Are you going to tell me where we're going, or am I not allowed to know at the moment?" Smiling, I glance at the woman quickly before looking ahead. "Florida. Even if I didn't tell you the signs would've. But you don't know where in Florida so that's good."

"Is it Miami? I've always wanted to go."

"Sure, babe." 

I could feel her eyes on me like daggers, hoping her threatening eyes would make me spill. "Isn't keeping a secret almost like lying to me?" she tries to guilt-trip me into telling her some information. I glance at her, "That's not going to work."

She groans and pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. "Okay, can you at least give me a hint?" she questions, placing my hand onto her stomach. I can't help but smile when I feel a small kick. Glancing over, I notice Kathryn with a small grin on her face as well. "Well, the hint is, it's in Florida but there is one like it in California."

The brunette sighs, clearly not motivated to use that sexy brain of hers. "I guess I'll just find out when we get there," she lets out. I chuckle and nod my head, pulling my hand away from her body and placing it back onto the steering wheel. The motion causes her to frown in disapproval. 

After a few minutes, I finally see a sign for a rest stop. My body sighs in glee, happy to be able to get out of the car and stretch my limbs and even grab a bite to eat. But if I'm being honest what my body could use right now was a nap. I struggle to keep my eyes open as I stay in the right lane. 

"Baby," Kathryn's voice grabs my attention. I hum, keeping my tired eyes on the road. "Let's get a hotel room."

I furrow my brows and glance at the pregnant woman beside me, confused. Her hand lands on my leg, "You need some rest, you keep swerving. Just for an hour." I shake my head, knowing that even if I slept for an hour that would throw off my plans. I yawn and shake my head again. 

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