One Hundred- Ten

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"Ouch," I mutter as I pull my arm away from the older brown-skinned woman in front of me. Her cognac-brown eyes land on me sternly as she arches a brow. "It may not be that deep of a wound but it still burns when you pour alcohol on it," I mutter as I place my hand back on her thigh.

She sighs, "I'm just glad it's not worse. I know it's not exactly her fault, but I'd be her ass if you needed stitches."

Her words force a smile onto my lips. I hum and lean closer to the woman. "I bet you would. You'd be so hot," I joke causing her to smile. Any anger she had for the situation was slowly being ignored. "How are they? From what you told me, you just left," she mutters, trying to understand the situation.

I watch her grab Neosporin from her little kit and place a little on her finger. "I think they're okay. If not," I sigh not wanting to think about them. She eyes me as she places the antibiotic on my cuts. "It's not my problem anymore. I've given her too much of me and that hasn't been fair to you."

Mallory's smile grabs my attention. "What? Why are you smiling?" I question, realizing her smile is contagious and beautiful. "I just like that you're self-aware. I wouldn't have made a big deal about you wanting to be there for her but I'd much rather you focus on us instead of her."

I frown a little, realizing she's been very patient with me this whole time. "You're amazing, you know that?"

The brown-skinned woman glances up at me a little. "Enough to think you might be falling in love?" she questions, startling me. Her words make me remember the dream I had a few days ago. I close my eyes as she places a few bandaids on my arms. "Yeah, something like that," I decide to tell the truth. 

I glance at the woman to find her eyes already on me. "What about you?" I question, not wanting to be the only one falling. She smiles, "Something like that," she mutters, using my words against me. I chuckle and lean into her, pressing my lips against hers.

I pull away before I can get carried away. "Can I ask you to do something?" she questions as I stand from the stool. Nodding my head, I grab the trash from the counter, "Yeah, what's up?"

"I know it's not your place to, but if Mateo needs help understanding the situation better... maybe help him? And I get it, what goes on between them is something you're not interested in getting in the middle of but he's clearly as clueless as the next. You know everything to know about her and her disorders."

My eyes meet enchanting cognac-brown eyes. I pout as I sit back down on the stool. I place both hands on her thighs. "You know, you're too kind," I mutter. She smiles softly and nods her head. I can't help but sigh. "You also know that Kathryn can just tell him everything that I would, right? That's her job as his girlfriend."

"And we both know they've been together for like a year and how many months? Did she ever tell him then?"

I sigh, "Mallory, that's not my problem."

"No, it's not. But don't you feel a little shitty not trying to help? I mean, aren't you in love with the woman? The least you could--"

"I did the least I could do, Mallory. I can't keep stepping in when she doesn't want to take responsibility, that's not how relationships work. I get that you're trying to so and so help but it's not helping us."

She sighs, "Fine, don't help. But think about the future. Maybe she has another episode and he doesn't know how to help because he doesn't know what triggers her or whatever and one of them ends up in the hospital. Which could've been avoided if you'd just tell him."

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