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My eyes gleam as I watch Dr. Wells carefully remove the IV from Hope's small hand. He quickly covers the small puncture wound with a cotton ball and presses down and making sure his actions didn't cause her too much pain. With a smile, his eyes land on me. "I can tell you're excited," he voices my obvious emotions. 

I nod my head eagerly, "More than excited. I'm relieved that she doesn't have to spend most of her childhood hooked up to a machine. She'll be able to live like a healthy kid," I mutter, eyeing Hope with a wide grin. Casey was outside the room, signing a few papers concerning our daughter. 

"Are there any clothes you brought for her to wear?" he questions, eyeing me as he made sure nothing was wrong with my child. I nod my head and rush over to the baby bag I had Casey pack. I pull out a red onesie with blue and green dots along with a cute little pair of matching red socks. I really couldn't contain my happiness as I made my way back over to the doctor. 

He stepped aside to allow me to dress my daughter. Happily, I do.

The door opening grabs our attention, "Guess who I found?" Casey smiles pulling a dark-skinned man into the room. Dr. Wells' lips spread into a wide grin as he noticed the small bag in his lover's hand. Thomas smiled awkwardly, feeling as though he was invading. He waved at me before making his way toward the doctor.

"Excuse us," Dr. Wells spoke as he pulled Thomas into the corner of the room. I eye the two a bit longer before my eyes land on my fiance. She smiles as she approaches me, eyes now moving to eye our daughter. "You know, she's starting to look like me now," Casey mutters, stopping beside the crib. Smiling, I nod my head in agreement, though honestly, I saw the similarities weeks ago.

"Did you call your parents? I'm sure they'd love to meet her again," I mutter, buttoning Hope's onesie. The woman nods her head, "I did but they were busy. So we can try with them tomorrow or something."

I nod my head, finally having Hope dressed. I pick her up carefully, cradling her and smiling happily. Casey made her way to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and placing her head on my shoulder as she eyed the sleeping child. I could feel her smiling. "Can you believe we made this?" she questions in disbelief.

I chuckle and nod my head, "We did and she's so beautiful," I raise my arms, pressing my lips against Hope's forehead. 

"Cute little family," we hear causing both of us to turn to eye Thomas. His dark eyes land on me as he smiles, approaching us, his eyes taking Hope in. "She most definitely is beautiful," he mutters softly, not to wake her. Casey eyes him for a few seconds, "You wanna hold her?" she questions, startling the both of us.

Now, Thomas has had a bit of redemption since we broke up but that didn't mean Casey was fond of him. Which was why it was surprising to hear those words come from her lips. Thomas stumbles over his words before nodding his head. The brown-skinned woman beside me chuckles as she glances at me, letting me know it was okay.

Carefully, Thomas grabs Hope from my arms. He eyes both of us before giving his attention to the baby. "She looks more like Casey than she does you, Kathy," he mutters. Casey smiles, "Are you calling me beautiful, Thomas?"

The man rolls his eyes, "I never thought you weren't. A pain in my butt, maybe but Kathryn has taste," he chuckles. I can't help but smile at his term, not wanting to curse in front of Hope. Dr. Wells approaches us with a smile, "You're all set, Hope is allowed to finally go home."

Smiling, I thank Dr. Wells. Thomas gives Hope back over to us, waving as he exited the room and followed his boyfriend out of the room. I glance at Casey with a grin and all she can do is smile back, happy that Hope was finally released from this depressing hospital room.

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