One Hundred Forty-Seven

280 14 17


Inhaling, I open my eyes before instantly shutting them as the sun's rays peek through the blinds. It wasn't until the beautiful sound of laughing grabbed my attention. My head snaps to the sound, spotting my gorgeous girlfriend standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Smiling, she makes her way toward the bed.

"Good morning," she mutters softly as she climbs onto the bed to kiss me. "Morning, why are you up so early?" I question, turning in the bed to glance at the bedside clock. My eyes widen at the time. "Oh god, I'm late," I hiss and jump out of bed.

Mallory giggles behind me. "Babe, it's not funny! I have to make sure the turkey isn't burnt," I grovel. The woman clears her throat, "Kathryn's there. I called Lillie earlier this morning to let her know you were a little permanently knocked out but Kathryn answered instead so I asked her to watch the food and make sure nothing burns. We're good, dinner is not ruined."

I eye the woman for a long few seconds before exhaling in relief. I would hate to have cooked all that food only for it to get ruined. "Come, let's shower before we head out. You have to go get your friends from the airport, right?"

A smile breaks out on my face at the thought of being reunited with Jasmine and Desire. It's unfortunately been a while since we've seen each other. "I do. I'm gonna take the truck," I voice as I follow her into the bathroom. She nods her head, "I figured. They'll have luggage and whatnot."

"I really can't wait for you to meet them."

With a smile, Mallory glances at me before removing her shirt. "I can't wait to meet them as well. You've kind of got this image in my head that I want to see if it corresponds to what they give."

I let out a chuckle and shook my head and continued getting undressed. "So when we get there I think Cass and Eddie won't be there first, they're spending the first half of the day with Eddie's side of the family. Same with Amy and Duke and I think that's it. So your mom and sister may feel a little out of place compared to yesterday."

"It'll probably just be Anne because surprise, surprise our mothers are long-lost besties," she voices, eyes meeting my gaze.

"Yeah... that was weird. It's kind of cool to think about though. If they hadn't come back to Houston, I probably would've met you sooner we probably would've dated sooner," I voice, thinking about how cool that would've been.

Mallory snorts, "No offense babe, but I definitely wouldn't have dated you back then. You were a whore," she laughs. 

My mouth hangs open at her insult before I slap her ass. "I wouldn't have been if we met sooner."

"Stop lying. You would've just made me one of your many girlfriends. I hate to tell you this but I'm a monogamous kind of woman and I refuse to share what's mine. I'd probably kill you if I found out you were fucking 4 other girls beside me," she shivers at the thought causing me to laugh.

I shake my head, "Nah, I think you'd still have been okay with it. I give good head."

"Mediocre at best," she jokes a little too quickly for my liking.

Raising my lip, I eye the woman with disgust before moving past her to get the shower started. Laughter filled my ears as I tried my best to bite back a smile and forgive her easily. So instead, I keep my eyes away from the woman as I step into the tub.

"Are you ignoring me?" the older brown-skinned woman questioned as she climbed in behind me. I don't answer as I let the hot water hit my body. I bite my lip as Mallory wraps her arms around me, standing as close as possible, allowing the water to get her wet too. "Baby, you know I'm joking," she tries to apologize.

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