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I yawn into my fist as I wait impatiently for my ride to get here. I still couldn't believe it's been almost 5 months since I've been here. I swear it feels like I just got back. Though things weren't as back to normal as I wished, I felt comfortable being around my friends again. Despite having several panic and manic attacks last month.

Last month was not my favorite. 

My eyes land on the nardo gray ford explorer finally making its way down the street. I pat my pockets down to make sure I've got my phone and wallet as I'd be responsible for everything needed in 3 days.

I groan internally, still upset that Emily was serious about being responsible for coming up with Thanksgiving meals, and if needed, I'd also be helping with the cooking. The Ford explorer stops in front of me and the tinted passenger window rolls down exposing Kathryn.

She eyes me, "Do you have the list?" she questions. "It's on my phone, why? You got something you want to add on?" I question as I make my way to the passenger side and climb in. "Not particularly. Just making sure we're not going in there without a strategy plan, you know it'll be crowded today as per usual for holidays," she mutters, waiting for me to put on my seatbelt.

I let out a breath and nod my head. "Were you forced to come with me today since you'll do most of the cooking this year?" I question, genuinely curious. Because I think the family is plotting against us. There's no way, twice since I've been back, that Kathryn and I end up in the same car coincidentally.

"No, I offered. But yes, the only reason I did offer was that I'd be cooking this year." I nod my head. So she's plotting against me on her own? An awkward silence settled around us, making our short trip to the store seem longer than it usually is. 

As we got to Walmart, we weren't surprised to find the parking lot full of vehicles. It only makes sense that they'd be this full, Thanksgiving is 3 days away. Kathryn is forced to park in the back as there weren't many spots up close and it didn't help that if you did see one, it would immediately be taken by some asshole.

Sighing, we exit the truck and make our way toward the building. I place my hands in the pockets of my shorts as I walk a few paces behind the brunette, not wanting to walk beside her. My eyes have a little mind of their own as they trail all over her body. I think it's absolute torture to have to do this with her.

After a few seconds, Kathryn notices I'm not beside her. She turns her head to glance at me before slowing down to meet my side. "What?" I question in confusion. She shakes her head, walking beside me in silence. 

We make our way inside the store and to our surprise, there was one basket left. I quickly make a beeline for the push buggy before anyone else could. I smile in victory as I snag the basket, making my way back to the brunette.

I pull out my phone and go to my notes for the list, showing it to Kathryn. She grabs my phone and I watch her begin typing. My brows knit together in confusion before she hands me the device. "What did you do?" I question.

She grabs her phone from her back pocket. "I split the list. You have your section to grab and I have mine." I raise my brows, "You sent it to yourself?" I question the obvious. 

"Yeah, should I not have done that?" she questions, realizing how weird it was to have gone through my phone. Smiling softly, I shake my head, "It's fine. You can take the basket," I mutter breaking away from her to start shopping.

Glancing at the list, I begin grabbing the needed items. Once my arms are full, I search for the brunette. Luckily, I find her relatively close and make my way over just as I notice two women standing annoyingly close to the brunette.

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