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Staring up at the ceiling, I can't help but anticipate the day. I had to work and then I had to go to see my doctor as the pregnancy test result would be in. I was anxious. I didn't want to know the answer though I already did. Missing your period was a big indicator, and even when I prayed and prayed that it would come... it never did.

I made a rash decision. Pregnancy. I'm not ready. I wasn't mentally prepared for this. The life I would be bringing into this world. The life I'd have with them... and Mateo. I shouldn't have said yes. I shouldn't have done the procedure. I shouldn't have done this.

I can only let out a breath as I feel tears begin to form. What the hell was I thinking? 

Shuffling beside me pulls me from my daze as I reach my hands up and wipe my eyes before he can wake up. Sniffing, I force myself out of bed, deciding to get ready for work before my alarm went off. 

Letting out a breath, I climb out of bed and head into my restroom, getting the shower started. I just knew today was going to be a shitty day. One I wasn't ready for. I just wanted to get over today. 

And it didn't help that today was Hope's birthday. 

I wash myself and my hair before getting out of the tub and making my way to the mirror to brush my teeth. I was surprised Mateo hadn't woken up from all the noise of me being in the restroom. But then again, I was glad. I couldn't stomach seeing him this early in the morning. 

Letting out a breath I grab my drying towel and wrap it around my body before exiting the restroom. My eyes land on the sleeping man in my bed, his body fully covered by my blanket, not even his face was visible. 

I don't bother messing with him as I get dressed for the day. I slip into a pair of black boyshorts and a sports bra. Unable to give a fuck about my appearance, I dress simply in dark blue high-waist jeans and a baby blue hoodie I kept from Casey, and a pair of black sneakers. Making my way back to the bed, I grab my phone and turn off my alarm before it goes off. 

My gaze lands on the body in my bed once more before I decide to just leave the apartment, knowing it would be impossible to look him in the face if he was conscious. Sighing, I lock the door behind me before heading down to my truck. I wasn't in the mood for today or the next nine months if we're being honest.

The drive to school is long and annoying no thanks to the early morning traffic in Houston where people don't know how to mind their own business. But nevertheless, after a long extra 45 minutes added to my drive, I make it to school with barely any time to spare.

Sighing, I grab my belongings and make my way into the school building, mustering up a smile as staff members and students greet me. 

Once I clock in, I make my way to my classroom, spotting Steven exit his mother's classroom. He offers me a small smile before joining some of his friends at the end of the hallway. Setting my things down on the desk, I collapse into my chair, hearing a pair of heels enter the classroom, knowing exactly who it was without looking.

"Wow, you look..." Em trails the second her cerulean blue eyes land on me. She raises her brows as her eyes rake me over. "It's a Monday and you're in a hoodie? That's very unlike you. Something happened with you and Mateo?" she questions, leaning against my desk.

Letting out a breath, I glance at the woman. "No, I'm just... out of it I guess," I mutter without going into detail. The woman nods her head as she crosses her arms over her chest, her eyes never leaving my face.

"Is it because Casey has a girlfriend?" she questions causing my features to fall. Just when I had forgotten about that little unwanted information, she comes and puts it back in my head. She sighs, "I thought you would've told me."

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