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Smiling, I flip the calendar to April. It's almost here. My daughter is almost here. Gosh... I'm so excited. The pained grunts from my fiance bring my attention away from my joy. Leaning to my right, I glance down the hallway. "You okay in there?" I question. "Do I sound okay to you?" the woman groans as she exits the room. I can't help but smile as I glance at her protruding belly. 

We're in the last fucking month. OH MY GOSH WE'RE GOING TO BE PARENTS!

"Is there anything I can do to help relieve your pain?" I question, watching the woman as she makes or rather waddles her way into the kitchen. I follow behind her with a small smile, forcing myself not to make a joke about the way she's walking. The brunette opens the fridge, "Yeah, actually, you can."

I raise my brows and lean on the wall, waiting for her to tell me. Her chestnut eyes meet mine, "Get this fucking child out of me!" she hisses. I can't help but chuckle at her, "You'd be in more pain than you are right now. You got this, love. Just 17 more days until you give birth to our beautiful baby girl."

Kathryn rolls her eyes, "I'm never letting you get me pregnant again. I hope you suffer worse when you get pregnant," she whisper yells. I hum and cross my arms over my chest, "That's real nice, babe. Just for that, I take back my want of getting pregnant. Now you have to live with knowing this pain by yourself."

"I fucking hate you," she groans grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "You most definitely weren't saying that after I got you pregnant. It was more of an 'Oh fuck, Casey, I- mm baby, I love you' yeah, something like that," I tease. The corner of my lips curls upwards as the woman blushes and glances away.

"Suddenly you're so quiet," I mutter, pushing her chin up with my index finger to catch her gaze. "What's wrong honey? Cat got your tongue?"

Annoyed with my teasing, the brunette slaps my hand away, "Shut up."

I chuckle and follow the woman back to the bedroom where she lays in bed. "I can't wait for Hope to get here," I mutter entering the restroom. "You're just saying that because you feel inferior to my awakened tongue skills." Leaning back onto the door, I glance at the woman, "Oh, please. You're average."

"You most definitely weren't saying that a few days ago. If I remember correctly, you were all like 'Y-yes Ryn right... Oh, God... Just like that baby... Oh—Fucking shit. I love you so—Yesssss' yeah, something like that."

I roll my eyes, disliking that she basically just used my words against me. "I don't sound like that, for your information," I laugh. Making sure all the medicine was in the cabinet and that we weren't running out of any soon, I exit the restroom. "Please, you can fool anyone else. But you forget I'm with you majority of the day, you may sound masculine but in bed, your voice gets so high pitched and raspy."

I smile at the woman. She's right, I do miss fucking her. It's great that she's giving me all the attention when we're being sexual but sometimes I want to give her that kind of orgasm too. "Look at you, thinking about fucking me with your strap," her voice pulls me out of my head. I chuckle, "Is that what you want Kathryn?"

"I do, actually. I miss having my back blown out by my extremely in shape fiance."

I flex my arms and pose for the woman causing her to laugh and bite her lip as she watches me. "You're silly," she laughs. I can't help but smile, glad that I got her attention away from her pain. I'll do anything to make her happy. 

The sound of a ringing phone gets our attention. Kathryn reaches over, grabbing her phone off the charger. "It's Em..." she mutters, eyeing me scared. "Do you want me to answer it?" I question. Shaking her head, she answers the phone and puts it on speaker so I could hear. "Yeah?" she mutters.

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