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Sighing, I lean against the tombstone as Casey and I sit in silence. She was done telling me about why she left and what she went through for two years. And even though I was upset that she left in the first place... I understood her actions and I hurt deeply for her.

"I don't like this gloomy atmosphere," the brown-skinned woman mutters beside me. I nod my head in agreement and wipe my tears. But truth was, I didn't know how to change the topic. 

Casey pulls her phone out of her pocket, glancing at the screen. "Oh shit... it's after 1," she mutters letting out a breath. I glance at her phone, smiling softly as I notice what the background was. 

She sits up and places her phone back into her pocket. "I got something for you," she smiles softly, pulling her hand out of her pocket.

I watch her in curiosity, wondering what she had. She smiles softly, "Happy birthday," she mutters as she places something cold in my hand. Once she pulls her hand back, I glance down at the locket resting in the palm of my hand. My eyes quickly lift up to meet her gaze.

"You got me a present?" I question. She smiles, nodding her head. "It's both for Christmas and your birthday."

I furrow my brows as I put my attention back onto the golden locket, reading the engraving. Forever in my heart. I open it and immediately my body relaxes as I glance at the picture of Christian holding Hope. I smile softly as my vision grows blurry once more. I sigh and glance at my ex-lover.

"When did you do this?" I question. She smiles softly, "A little after I left. I had planned to give it to you when I came back but I stayed away for so long. Figured it would be a good gift."

I pout a little and pull the woman into me, hugging her tightly. Once we pull away, she helps me put the locket on causing me to shiver as the cold metal touches my skin. I can't help but smile softly as I glance down at the gift, knowing I'd treasure it a lot. 

We sit back against the tombstone as silence settles around us once more. After a few minutes, Casey moves beside me. Turning my head, I watch the brown-skinned woman stand from the ground, wiping her ass before turning toward me with her hand stretched out. Raising my brows, I take it, allowing her to help me to my feet.

"Are you ready to go?" I question. "Yeah, I don't want to waste any more of your time," she mutters. I frown, "You're not wasting my time. You needed to talk, I'll always be available if you need to," I mutter softly. The woman smiles as she eyes me. "Mateo is lucky to have you as a girlfriend."

My cheeks grow warm from her words and I force my gaze away from her. "Can I catch a ride?" she questions causing me to chuckle as we begin walking. "Is that the real reason you called me out here? Because you wanted a free ride," I joke nudging her.

The woman laughs as she nods her head, "You caught me. I did not want to catch an uber."

Rolling my eyes, I unlock the truck. "Just for that, it's actually going to cost you this time," I joke as we climb into the vehicle. "I just gave you a gift, surely that covers the expenses."

"A cheap locket with a picture and a shitty engraving? Yeah, no way," I laugh as I watch her jaw drop in disbelief at my words. She pouts jokingly and turns her head away from me. Chuckling, I start the engine and put on my seatbelt.

"Since you're in the mood to tell on yourself, tell me about your tattoos," I mutter, curious about a few that I'd seen. Russet eyes meet mine and she frowns. 

Smiling, I begin driving before asking my first question. "Why do you have my eyes tattooed on your shoulder?" I ask, knowing she'd hate that I did. But I was genuinely curious about that. I just never understood why anyone would get any facial feature of their ex permanently tattooed on their skin. It just never makes sense.

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