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Glancing up from my laptop, I spot Casey finally coming out of the room only in boxers. Such a lovely sight. Pulling my eyes away from the woman, I let out a breath. "What's wrong with you?" she questions making her way towards me. Placing her hands on both armrests, she leans into me pressing her lips against my forehead.

I hum and lift my head, allowing her to kiss me. "They go back home in a few hours," I sigh, feeling as though I haven't spent enough time with them. Not to mention my head still couldn't wrap around Emily and Sophia's situation. "Is it really just that?" the brown-skinned woman mutters, knowing me better than anyone.

Letting out a breath, allowing my eyes to meet hers. "I just can't accept it, Casey. It has to be some kind of prank, Sophia would never..." I stop, remembering what she said. People change. This means, I probably don't even know her anymore. So how would I know what she would and wouldn't do? 

"The Sophia Evans I know would never divorce Emily no matter what problem they're facing. She'd want to fix whatever it is. I just... I know it's not really my business but I've been friends with them this long, I know they still love each other."

Casey's brown eyes move away from me. "Loving someone and being in love are two different things. Maybe they have fallen out of love."

"No one falls out of Love, Ace!"

The woman sighs, "What do you want to hear from me, Ryn? I was never as close to them as you were, you've been Emily's best friend all your life and been friends with Sophia since you two were 14. You know them better than I do. But you can't force someone to stay in a relationship they don't want to be in. You have to respect their wish to Divorce."

I part my lips to reject her words but she continues. "I know Sophia and Emily have tried everything. So if they are talking about a divorce, it means there's no saving that marriage."

"How can you say that? Even if you haven't known them as long as I, you've been friends with them for 5-6 years. You know how much they love each other, why are you so okay with this Casey?"

She goes silent for a few seconds before moving away from me. My brows knit together and before I can say anything more, there's a knock on the door. I watch Casey make her way back into the room since she wasn't dressed appropriately. Sighing, I place my laptop on the table and make my way towards the door.

Glancing through the peephole, I spot the face of my mother and father. Sighing, I unlock and open the door. "Hi," I mutter letting them into the apartment. Behind the two is Abby, Brook, and Carl. "So we've got a few more hours in Texas, is there anything we should do? Maybe go out for lunch or have a picnic," my mother smiles hoping we could spend some more time together. 

"A picnic sounds great," I nod my head, trying not to think about my friends.

Casey eventually exits the room dressed in a maroon tank and khaki joggers. "Hey you guys," she mutters making her way into the kitchen. The tense atmosphere is thick and noticeable. Everyone glances between us, "Trouble in paradise already?" Brook snorts making me roll my eyes.

"Just a minor argument," I hiss.

"The atmosphere doesn't say it's minor. Should we give you two some privacy so you can sort this out? I don't want my daughter and daughter-in-law to be in a grumpy mood when we only have 8 hours left together," my father spits, glancing at me. 

I sigh, "It's really nothing."

"Doesn't seem like nothing," Brook continues to tease. Abby pushes the girl out the door, "You need a time out. We'll just be in the car so you two can sort out your..." Abby moves her fingers before exiting the apartment. Everyone else follows behind the two, leaving me with my fiance.

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