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My eyes are forced to the door, spotting the brown-skinned woman entering. She folds her umbrella and shakes the water off outside before closing and locking the door behind her and setting the umbrella down. With a sigh, she removes her jacket, her eyes immediately landing on me. "Why are you still awake?" she questions, approaching me.

"You didn't text me, I had to make sure you got here safely," I mutter as I turn the TV off. Yawning, Casey helps me off the couch. "I'm sorry, I thought I did. My phone died an hour ago, I'm sorry for worrying you."

I shake my head and pull her closer, "It's okay. You're an adult, I suspect you're responsible when you go out with your friends. How was it?"

"It was great. I've never hung out with them beyond a project so I got to know them better tonight. Next time you're coming with me, I want you to meet Amber and Davis they're fun."

I smile, happy that she was expanding her friend group. "Have you eaten?" I question as we head towards the bedroom. "Mhm, Amber made sure of that." My brows raise at her answer, wondering who this Amber person was. "She's like the mom of the group," Casey clears up any misunderstanding.

"I don't know if I like hearing about another woman feeding my woman," I spit both jokingly and seriously. Chuckling, Casey leans her head into my neck, kissing the exposed skin. "Even if I'm a sucker for food, you whole-heartedly own my heart and have nothing to worry about."

Smiling at her words, I move away from the woman. "I'm not entirely sleepy," the brown-skinned woman mutters as she removes her shirt and pants. I watch her throw them near the closet before climbing into bed and patting the spot beside her. "What do you propose we do until you are?" I question, not implying or suggesting I wanted to have sex.

I remove the blanket from my spot and climb into the bed beside my fiance. "Let's talk, I feel we haven't really talked since your family has been here."

"Oh! How did they get here by the way?" I question.

The woman glances at me, "I got them as close to Texas as possible on a flight and then they got a rental and drove the rest of the way."

"How much did you spend to get them here?" 

"About $1200. I paid for Abby, Brook, and Carl's flight. I would've paid for your parents too but they felt bad for spending all my money. And then I paid for the rental as well."

I lean back into the headrest and let out a breath. "Casey, you spent over a thousand dollars to get my family here. Why?" I already knew the answer but it didn't entirely make sense. I get wanting your partner to be happy but money doesn't just come and go. 

"Because I knew you wanted to see them. And I had talked to Kristine and she wanted to come to visit as well but she didn't think she'd have enough for everyone so I reached out to her and came up with a plan. I just want you to be happy. If we ever have any downs I just want you to have more happy moments with me than anything. Even if it's small or grand."

"Sometimes I believe you are way too good to be true," I mutter falling deeper in love with the woman beside me. Smiling, she leans over and places a kiss on my cheek. "I love you too baby."

I reach over and grab her hand, pulling her knuckles to my lips and kissing them. "Tell me something about you that you've never told anyone" I mutter, pulling her hand away from my lips. 

The woman hums as she scoots closer to me, allowing me to lean my head on her shoulder. "Well before I realized I liked girls... there was this guy in my class who had really feminine features. I had the biggest crush on him. At the time I thought I just liked prettier boys but once I got older I understood why I found him so cute."

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