One Hundred-Fifty

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Despite not wanting to see Mateo today or really, any day, I had to suck it up because today was Antonio's birthday. My baby boy will be turning 1 today. I was more than excited. I was ecstatic. His turning one made me want to cry because for so long I feared losing him. But he made it to one and I know he'll be able to make it to two and three to being a grown-up. And I'm so happy he gets to grow up because Hope didn't stand a chance.

Sniffing, I wipe under my eyes. I had told myself I wouldn't cry. I was sick of crying. But my baby made it past two months.

I frown as I glance up, silently thanking God for not taking this one because I don't think I could've survived losing another child. 

Knocking on the door forced me to straighten up. I clear my throat and wipe my eyes again before unlocking and opening the door. I come face to face with Casey. She smiles before pulling me into a hug. I pause, take back by the gesture. "I figured you could use one. I know today is very special for you," she voices before pulling away.

"Antonio turns one and even if no one else understands, I do. He's one years old, Ryn," she smiles like an idiot. I watch the woman a bit longer but before I can say anything Cassandra calls her to help out in the living room.

I can't help but frown. This is going to be a hard year. Between being a single woman, being in love with my ex-fiancé, and trying to move on, she makes it so hard when she's being so supportive and loving. 

But her being here helps. Because she's right, if no one else understands how special today is, she does. She always will. Letting out a breath, I rub my face before exiting the bathroom and joining everyone else. 

Antonio may never remember it, but I know for a fact that I will. And there will be pictures, there has to be pictures! 

Stepping into the kitchen, I make my way to the cute little dinosaur cupcakes and finger foods. The only part of today I know that I'll hate is Mateo being here. 

Unfortunately, he wants to be in the life of our child which means co-parenting. And that sucks. Mostly because he cheated on me with the woman I didn't think I had to worry about, and they've made it a thing to make sure everyone knows they're together. 

"Hi," a voice startles me. I quickly frowned, knowing exactly who was talking to me. Turning on my heel, I come face to face with Mateo. "Can I help you?"

The dark-skinned Latino man sighed deeply. "Kathryn, I thought--"

"What? You thought what, Mateo? That I'd be nicer today because it's Antonio's first birthday? That doesn't change the fact that you cheated on me with Stephanie!" I hiss.

Clenching his jaw, Mateo frowned. "Is he bothering you?" Emily's menacing voice enters the kitchen, saving me from having to have a long and awkward conversation with my baby daddy. Dark eyes move and land on the blonde before averting and glancing at me again. He furrowed his brows. "Oh, so I can't be left alone with you now?"

"Mateo just get out before I hit you, please. I want a peaceful day because my son just turned 1. And that is all I have prayed for since I lost my daughter. Please don't ruin today for me," I voice sternly.

The man frowned as he eyed me. "We need to talk, Kathryn," Mateo voiced sternly, letting me know it was probably best for Emily to walk away. I keep my gaze on him, trying to figure out what he could possibly want before allowing my gaze to meet Emily's. "Give us a moment, please."

"Why? He never gave you one. He never stopped to say he didn't feel the same way before cheating. Suddenly he wants to talk. He didn't want to talk before," She spat.

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