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Creepily enough, here I sat on the queen-sized bed watching my fiance sleep. Her hair sprawled all over her pillow and though she looked a mess, I don't think I've seen anyone more beautiful. Though she was snuggled into my pillow, I wondered how much longer it'd take her to realize it wasn't me she was cuddling. Chuckling softly, I lay back down, not entirely tempted to make use of today.

I just wanted to lay here, staring at this gorgeous woman. No matter how much I know every detail of her face, I knew I could never get tired of staring at her. "How long are you going to stare at me?" her rosy lips grab my eye. I smile as I continue watching her, waiting for her eyelids to open and reveal those breathtaking brown orbs I've grown to love.

"Forever," I mutter softly. Kathryn smiles at me before opening her eyes and quickly regretting that decision. I chuckle and move my pillow away from her hold and scoot closer to her. "How are you feeling?" I question.

The woman drapes her arm over my chest and nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck. "Less shittier than I did yesterday. How long do you think it's going to take me to feel better?" 

Glancing at the woman, I watch her for a few seconds, loving how her eyelashes kissed her cheeks whenever she blinked. "It depends on you. The grieving process can go up to 18 months but I think you agreeing to go back to therapy will make this process a little easier on your mental health."

Kathryn hums before her chestnut eyes meet mine. "Tomorrow's your birthday and I'm depressed, I'm such a great fiance," she spits sarcastically, feeling bad. 

"Yeah, tomorrow will not be one of the best birthdays I'll have. But just having you with me is enough to get through the heartache." The woman smiles and nods her head as she snuggles close to me. 

My ringing phone causes both of us to groan in annoyance, not wanting to be bothered today. Grabbing my phone, I notice it's my father calling. Letting out a breath, I answer. "Yeah?" I spit, hoping he didn't want to talk for long.

"You could sound a little happier to hear your old man's voice. I haven't bothered you for almost 2 weeks," he mutters sarcastically. I can't help but smile at his response, "Sorry. How may I help you?" He chuckles softly, "Well a little birdie, Facebook, reminded me my baby girl is gonna be 24 tomorrow."

I let out a breath as I glance at Kathryn before excusing myself out of the room. "I don't want to do anything if that's what you're getting to," I spit as I make my way into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. "I figured you'd say that which is understandable given everything that you and Kathryn have dealt with in the past 2 months. But if you change your mind, I would like for us to have dinner and you don't even have to drive, your mother and I will come to you."

I smile softly at his words. "I think that's a fantastic idea, I think your cooking will make us feel a little better than we do. I'll invite Cass and Edwin too and we can have a little family dinner."

"Anything you want in particular?"

I hum, "A cheesecake with cherries," I mutter softly. "Alright, I'll get out your hair. I love you, Casey." Smiling, I nod my head, "Where's that coming from?" I joke.

The man hums, "I just want you to know that I do and you can talk to me if you need to. And Kathryn can too, tell her I love her as well. I'll see you both tomorrow."

"We love you too old man," I chuckle softly before hanging up. I make my way back into the room, finding my fiance sitting up in bed on her phone. I set mine on the nightstand and take a seat beside my lover. I place my hand on her leg as I lean against the headboard. "What did your dad want?" she questions, placing her phone down and glancing at me.

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