One Hundred

411 27 16


The ringing of my phone grabbed my attention away from the mirror. I yawn into my hand as I exit the restroom and enter the bedroom. I'm not surprised to find my boyfriend calling. I answer the phone. "Hey, I swear I'm coming out in about 10 minutes," I mutter into the phone.

Chuckling is heard before the Afro-Latino man speaks up. "I'm actually running a little late picking you up, I had to make an extra stop," he mutters before a familiar voice is heard. "Hi, Kathryn!" Stephanie mutters cheerfully. 

Oh. Whatever ideas I had of making things right between us vanished. Why is she coming? 

"Oh... Hey, Stephanie. I wasn't aware Mateo was bringing two guests on the trip," I mutter, slightly annoyed he didn't tell me about this beforehand. The Hispanic woman chuckles, "I'm not a guest. Does Mateo really not tell you anything about me? We work together," she mutters.

I bite my lip. That doesn't exactly make me feel any better. If something had come up and I wasn't able to go... she'd still be on the cruise with him. I let out a breath, knowing I had no right to be jealous or upset about anything. Not when I had been treating my own boyfriend like my 2nd most important thing to worry about when he should always come before anyone who isn't family.

I exhale softly. "Okay, well that's good because I probably wasn't going to be ready in 10 minutes," I chuckle, trying to ignore how petty I wanted to be. I have no right. "Girl, take your time. We're gonna pick up breakfast since you know how expensive airport food is," Stephanie chuckles.

I nod my head slowly. "Okay, thank you. I'll go now, I have so much to do," I mutter before hanging up immediately. I groan in annoyance. They work together Kathryn. So you can't be upset that she's coming. She's just doing her job.

Knocking at my door caused my mood to dampen even further. Exhaling, I head into the living room. I check the peephole and whatever sour mood I'm in is extinguished as I spot my ex-fiance on the other side of the door. I unlock it and crack it open, peeking at her through the crack playfully.

Russet eyes land on me. "Oh, good. I didn't know if you left already or not," she mutters. 

"Kathryn's not home, unfortunately, you missed her 10 minutes ago," I joke. The brown-skinned woman finally brings her hands up and I notice she's holding a package. "Well if she's not home, I guess she doesn't want her Amazon package," she mutters, turning on her heel.

I quickly open the door and stop the woman from going any further causing her to laugh and turn back to me. "I'm sorry. You weren't here when it arrived so I took it to my apartment and then I was not home for two days. I had to set an alarm to get this to you before you left," she mutters, handing over the brown box.

Smiling, I take it from her. "Thank you, I thought it was stolen. Amazon said it arrived but I didn't see it. But maybe next time text me so that I don't order another one," I groan, slapping her arm playfully. The woman chuckles, "I actually forgot I have your number now. It's not like we text or call each other so... And we don't have to since we're 5 steps away from each other now," she sighs.

I roll my eyes. "Maybe I'll call you a few times while I'm away so that if I do get another package, you'll remember you have my number," I spit.

She smiles. "Well, I hope you have fun on your trip."

I nod my head before stepping to the side and offering her to come inside. Casey eyes me for a few seconds before taking the invitation. "I need your advice on something," I mutter, hoping she'd help me out. Casey nods her head as she sits on the arm of my couch, her eyes moving all around the apartment.

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