One Hundred Fifty-Two

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A smile took over my features as I forced my eyes away from the sage ring in the black velvety box. "So... what do you think?" I question my best friend, truly craving for some kind of validation. Maybe this was as crazy an idea as it seemed like in my head. This would be the right direction in my relationship with Mallory.

Eddie let out a breath, eyes on me, again, as he did seconds ago, his gaze moving between me and the jewel. "Casey... this is... are you even sure about this?"

I can't help but scoff, "About as sure as you are that Cassandra is your one true love," I roll my eyes and place all my weight on my left leg.

The Hispanic who could pass as a Caucasian man, eyed me again. His brown eyes studied my features before he ran his calloused hand through his dark brown curls. He was finally growing out his hair, just like it was when we were preteens. I'm sure the only reason he let it get this long was the fact that he now had 3 children instead of 1. He was too busy to go to a barber.

"The difference being, I'm a thousand percent sure Cassandra is my one true love," he spat before groaning, knowing I would make a fuss about his words.

And that I did. "Edwin Henry Lewis, I am a million percent sure this... proposing to Mallory is the right thing to do."

Again, deep brown eyes met my gaze, exhausted and I wasn't entirely sure it was because I was talking about prosing to my 2-year girlfriend. "Casey. I absolutely love what you have with Mallory, I will always support you in any relationship you pursue," he spat.

My brows knit together, knowing that wasn't the end of his sentence. "But...?"

"But, proposing to her... Marrying her... that's about the dumbest idea you've had since you left Texas almost 3 years ago. Again, let me reiterate how much I love you two together because I do. But..." he sighed.

"Is this because of Kathryn? Because I'm not sure how many times I have to tell anyone that I don't lov--"

"The fact that Kathryn is your first thought when anything about Mallory is brought up just proves my point even further."

I groan, "That's not-- I--" I frown. "I'm not in love with her anymore. I only care for her in a nonromantic way."

Eddie nods, "And I didn't say you didn't. I'm not trying to tell you how you feel. At least... not like that. But a part of you still worries about Kathryn when you think about doing something that could make your relationship with Mallory more official. Have you ever heard of 'right person, wrong time'."

"That term is a contradiction. If they're the right person, there's never a wrong time. If we couldn't get through a rough patch together and come out strong then we were never meant to be together. They'd have just been a sense of comfort in a storm and not home."

"Well... you didn't exactly give Kathryn a chance, now did you?"

My jaw tightened. "If you think it's a good idea, then who am I to tell you no? If she makes you happy and you know it'll last a lifetime with her then do what makes you happy. But don't make rash decisions because you feel like you need to fill that hole in your heart and she's the only solution."

Eyeing the tan-skinned man, I frown, displeased with his words. Gritting my teeth, I closed the black box, shoved it into my pocket, and left.

I had this entire 3-day vacation planned for Mallory and I so I could propose to her on Valentine's Day -- Our 2nd anniversary, and then we'd fuck like rabbits well into the next day. And I had to take away one day off of our 'vacation' when Diana came to me for advice. I wasn't sure why but she did. 

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