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"Should I be worried?" Kathryn jokes as I position myself between her legs, pecking her incredibly soft and inviting lips. I hum against her lips before she pushes me away. Her brown eyes watch me teasingly as she smiles, "You're not answering my question, I'm getting worried."

Rolling my eyes, I take her bottom lip between my teeth, pulling on the flesh lightly before releasing it. "I can't believe you're worried about that while I'm between your legs... naked and very wet" I spit. 

I watch her lick her lips before taking her bottom lip between her teeth. "Well when you put it like that," she chuckles capturing my lips. I allow the woman to take lead of the kiss as I feel her hands explore my body for the nth time. I groan as she pulls away.

"But seriously, should I... be worried?"

I roll my eyes and roll off the woman, completely turned off by her intrusive questions. "I see you're not going to let it go. They were both what-if situations, Ryn. You have nothing to be worried about, Diana and I are not like that."

The woman rolls onto her side, propping her head on her hand. "I don't know," she trails. I exhale and turn towards her, "Are you serious Ryn? She's my friend and nothing more, I promise." She smiles, "Okay but if she offers you to have a threesome with them... you better reject her offer."

"You know what, I'm going to go ahead and get dressed," I spit causing her to laugh and grab my arm before I can move. She climbs on top of me with a teasing smirk. Sighing, I place my hands on her bare thighs before glancing at the baby bump. We were getting closer to the last trimester and I couldn't wait.

My eyes find their way to hers, "You know I'm just messing with you. I know you wouldn't actually do anything to hurt us. I just like seeing you annoyed with me, it's hot."

I widen my eyes at the woman, "Better be glad I love you." Smiling, she nods her head, leaning into me to capture my lips once again. Her hands rest on my chest as mine find their way to her ass, squeezing softly causing the woman to moan into my mouth.

Before anything can continue the sound of my phone ringing grabs our attention. I groan, irritated with the bad timing. I try to ignore it as I continue kissing my wife until I get several notifications. Chuckling, Kathryn reaches over to grab my phone, her face quickly drops as she eyes my screen. "What is it?" I question, lifting up and leaning against the headboard.

"It seems no matter how many times you block her number, she's always going to get a new one to harass you," she spits with an eye roll. I knew immediately who she was talking about and let out a breath. "What does she want this time?" I question.

She unlocks my phone and presses on the notification. She scrolls through the messages before glancing at me. "She's downstairs and says she's not leaving until you talk to her."

Once again, I let out a breath as the woman in my lap rolls her eyes. Before we have time to decide what to do, my phone is ringing once again. This time, Kathryn answers the phone, pressing the screen against her ear. "Casey's not interested in talking to you, Kianna."

As Kathryn talks to Kianna I bring my lips to her neck and collar bone, kissing her softly. I just wanted to spend a peaceful life with my wife, why must we deal with these assholes? "No, she's not coming down there. We've tried being peaceful by blocking you and avoiding you but now you're getting out of hand. I will call the cops and have them remove you from the premises as you do not live here which is considered trespassing."

Finally getting fed up with the conversation, I move my wife off my lap. Her eyes follow me as I climb out of bed and towards the closet to dress in something simple. "Where are you going?" she questions, moving the phone from her ear. 

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