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"Mommy!"  I hear coming from the backyard. Leaning back, I glance at my daughter in the yard, playing in the dirt. "Hope, sweetie, I told you not to get dirty," I giggle, rushing to her aid. She could only smile, her hazel eyes landing on her messy beige dress. I sigh and squat beside her, "Now we have to get you cleaned up before mama makes it back home. She said she has a surprise for us," I mutter softly.

Big hazel eyes meet mine as her small lips pull into a wide grin at the mention of my wife. "C'mon let's go shower...again," I spit helping the small child up. We make it up the stairs and to her bedroom. "I wanna wear the yellow flower dress," she exclaims, pulling on the dress in the closet. Smiling, I nod my head, helping her take it off the clothes hanger and setting it on the bed so she doesn't get it dirty.

"Go get in the restroom," I demand as I get out the rest of her outfit before following behind her. The moment I exit the room, I'm scooped up. I can't help but let out a loud laugh as my wife holds me against her, placing her lips against my neck. "You didn't tell me you'd be home this early," I mutter, taking her lips in mine.

The brown-skinned woman smiles, "I know, I thought I'd surprise you. Where's my baby girl?" she questions, looking around, expecting Hope to be near me. She's always near me, probably because I spoil her rotten. "She got dirty so she has to take another shower. How about you go help her?" 

Smiling wider, Casey nods her head, placing me on my feet and heading down the hallway to the restroom. I bite my lip as I watch the woman before forcing myself back downstairs to finish washing the dishes.

After a few minutes, Casey meets my side. "Something about seeing you complete your motherly duties makes me horny." Rolling my eyes, I push her away from me, "No, baby that's just you being horny as always. We seriously have got to get that checked out."

She hums and places her hand on the small of my back, "Or maybe my wife is just really beautiful and I can't keep my hands off of her."

Her flirting puts a smile on my lips as I eye her quickly. "You're so sweet you're giving me a toothache," I laugh, knowing the small flirt line was a little cringy. Casey eyes me weirdly, "How about you leave the flirting to the professionals."

"Professionals?" I question, turning to her. I place my hands on her chest, forcing her russet eyes away from mine as she eyes my hands. "I'd say the way I made you cum last night was pretty professional, I don't think many could accomplish having Casey Kings cum the way I did," I tease, leaning into her.

Her brown eyes follow my every movement as she pins her bottom lip between her teeth. And it didn't take a genius to know what that look meant. I lean closer to my lover, licking her lips with the tip of my tongue teasingly before stepping away. "Go check on Hope," I demand. She eyes me, lovingly, nodding her head and disappearing upstairs.

Luckily for me, it doesn't take Hope long to get ready. As much as I love Casey, which I truly do, that woman's sex drive is way too high for me. It can be charming at times but other times, I tire quickly at the idea of having sex with her.

As we're making out way out of the home, the younger woman slaps my ass. "Don't think I'm letting you get away so easily." I blush knowing exactly what she meant. "Of course not."

We get in the car and pull out of the driveway, heading to this surprise Casey's been talking about for the past 3 weeks. Honestly, I didn't know what it was she had in mind but I was just as excited as Hope was. About 30 minutes into the drive, I realize we were heading to the airport which meant someone was definitely visiting.

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