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I can't help but let out a breath as I glance down at my phone screen. The reminder on my phone caused me to frown. I've done it. I've made a year with Mateo. 

For once, staying at school didn't seem as terrible as I believed before. Anything to not go home this evening was greatly appreciated. I did not want to have that talk with Mateo. But, Casey was right. Everyone was right. I have to tell him. And I can't wait any longer. 

How can I expect our relationship to grow if I can't be open about my past with him? I groan internally as the last bell of the day rings, dismissing all students and teachers from their duties. "Homework is due tomorrow, do not expect a grade higher than an 80 if you return it to me later than tomorrow," I mutter to the freshmen as they gather their belongings.

Once they're all gone, I begin gathering my things as well, dreading this day. I'm not surprised when Emily makes her way into the classroom. "When will Christmas break be here?" she groans, already wanting the new year to be here.

Meanwhile, I'm dreading this month. Why can't we go back in time? "What's wrong with you?" She questions, noticing my mood. I groan and let out a breath as I close my eyes slowly.

"Mateo and I make a year today and I've come to the decision to finally tell him about Casey," I mutter. Though, truthfully, I wish it hadn't come down to this. Blue eyes widen in disbelief, "Shit. It's been that long already? I'm proud of you for finally having the balls and getting it over with."

I nod my head. "Can you do it for me?" I question, not wanting to go through with it. She chuckles and shakes her head, "No, but I am all ears if you need me." I sigh and drop my head, knowing there was no backing out now. Any later and I could ruin the relationship.

I had a good feeling about Mateo and I. I didn't want to end it because I couldn't tell him about an ex. Standing from my desk, I walk with the blonde out of the building, upset that I didn't have any after-school activities or tests to grade and would have to go straight home after work. 

Emily places her hands on my shoulders and squeezes gently as she chuckles. "Just breathe. I don't think anything bad could come out of this, he'll be more understanding about things. He's a great guy," 

"He's jealous, Em," I mutter, remembering Thanksgiving a little too vividly. She forces me to face her as her blue eyes watch me. "Okay..." she trails, unsure of her encouraging words just seconds ago. "Just breathe... that's all I can say. If things end terribly, you know I'm always with ice cream and junk foods."

I groan. "That's very encouraging, Em."

"Yeah, well, if you had done this months ago, I'd have more words of encouragement. But you waited too long and now he's jealous. Most men, once they find out that whatever they've been thinking is remotely as close to what you tell them... shit gets bad or it gets worse."

Rolling my eyes, I push the blonde away from me as I make my way to the truck. "I'll keep my ringer on! Call me if you need me," Em yells as she makes her way to her own vehicle.

The second I made it home, I took a shower to calm myself down, and then I proceeded to make dinner for Mateo and I, considering we make a year today. The sound of my phone ringing from the bedroom grabbed my attention away from the food. I let out a breath and exit the kitchen, making my way to the room.

I smile softly as I spot Mateo's name on the screen before answering. "Hi baby," I answer sweetly. "Hola mi amor. I know you're probably going to be upset with me but I will be there later than we discussed at lunch," he mutters.

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