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Hello everyone, it's been a while.

It's been eight months since I last posted anything on this book and that was mainly due to lack of RWBY content, as well as a burnout in terms of writing anything RWBY related on my part. 

However, I've heard about the news of Roosterteeth shutting down, leaving the RWBY IP in question, which in turn, will further delay any RWBY content, more specifically RWBY Volume 10.

This news, along with my own re-read of this book has made me come to the decision of making a complete reboot of this entire book.

I don't exactly know if this will come as a shock to you but I personally felt like I could've done better with this story. This was my very first fan fiction book and I suddenly started this book because I was hooked onto RWBY and wanted to add an OC, but I didn't precisely thought out the story as I should've and it showed. I had to add in backstory elements of Onyx's character that I thought off of the top of my head without clearly thinking it through. The whole Sin Order wasn't fully fleshed out and was another example of something I just thought of without thinking it through.

The addition of Kelly in Volume 6 didn't feel right at the time she was introduced whereas I felt she could've been teamed up with Onyx back in Beacon. And the whole Pure Eye and Dark Seal was definitely shoe-horned in because I heard about the whole Karma thing in Boruto and thought it would look cool on my OC just for the sake of it.

The re-read opened my eyes to not just how poorly planned this story was when I first started, but also what parts I can keep for the reboot, and what parts I should leave out.

All in all, I want to try and write this story again, with new storylines that is more thought out than the original book, hence this reboot announcement.

With that in mind, I hereby title the reboot...

RWBY: Lightning Reloaded

I understand if you're disappointed that this original book isn't gonna be concluded but I don't feel satisfied with the direction that I've taken and the only way to do this right is by starting over.

In a way, consider Lightning Reloaded as the proper RWBY book that I've wanted to write.

I don't have much else to say now except this...

Thank you for reading and enjoying my very first Wattpad book everyone. Despite the criticism from readers, as well as my own critique, I have enjoyed writing this story at the peak of my RWBY enjoyment. Seeing you readers also be invested into this story despite its mess has made me appreciate you lot even more than I already do.

I certainly hope that I can pay back your appreciation by making sure this reboot doesn't just satisfy me, but also satisfies all of you who have followed Onyx Richards's journey from the beginning to the end.

But that's all for now everyone, if you have any questions, feel free to message me privately on Wattpad but apart from that...

I'll see you in the new world of RWBY: Lightning Reloaded!

Possible release: May 2024

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