Volume 5 Chapter 1

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Onyx is shown floating in a dark void, which confuses him

Onyx: Where am I? This must be a dream. I was sleeping on a tree because I was so tired from going up and down that mountain from last volume.

He turns to the camera and smiles.

Onyx: Anyway, I think something is gonna happen right... about... now.

The dark void suddenly changes to reveal him standing just outside of the city of Adamas with smoke coming from inside the city

Onyx: Huh? Adamas?

He then hears talking from a distance, as he turns to where it is. Revealing to be a 14 year old Onyx with his old friends, Lilly and John.

Onyx: (serious look) Are you guys ready?

John: (also serious) Yeah.

Lilly: (serious) Definitely.

Onyx: (grits his teeth) They're gonna pay for what they've done.

They walk past the current Onyx as he gets a questioning look.

Onyx: When was this? (gets a look of realization) Oh! This must be about 2 weeks after the Executioners attacked Adamas. 

Onyx chuckles.

Onyx: (sighs) Back when I was just facing evil organizations and not the leader of the Grimms.

Onyx: Those were the days.

Onyx turns to the camera and smiles.

Onyx: Time for me to wake up.

(scene change)

Onyx is now shown sitting down, leaning on a tree, sleeping. After about a few seconds, he slowly wakes.

Onyx: (yawns) That nap was more comfortable than I thought it was gonna be.

He chuckles.

Onyx: Maybe because I had a trip down memory lane.

Onyx gets up and stretches.

Onyx: Alright, time to get to Haven Academy, the city of Mistral is very close now.

He walks down the dirt road as the camera stays behind him. His shadow splitting into two shadows, one having the silhouette of the God of Light and the other having the silhouette of the God of Darkness.

(scene change)

Onyx is now shown walking through a stone tunnel.

Onyx: Surely Mistral must be at the end of this tunnel. I just had to beat a couple of bandits that heavily underestimated me just because I was younger than them. (chuckles) If those bandits confronted Ruby. Oh boy I would love to see that happen.

Onyx takes a deep breath before sighing.

Onyx: I can't wait to see the girls again. I hope they've stuck together throughout the entire year I was gone.

He then sees a large wooden door in front of him.

Onyx: There it is.

He places his hand on the door and slowly opens it to reveal another beautiful view.

(Ignore Team RNJR and Qrow, imagine Onyx is in the shot)

Onyx: (whistles) Another good view, but the view from the mountain was still better.

He then looks at the unique clothing of the people in Mistral and the unique houses.

He then looks at the unique clothing of the people in Mistral and the unique houses

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