Volume 7 Chapter 4

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Outside the abandoned mine that everyone is located, 4 armoured trucks drive through the snow with the Amity Collosseum floating nearby.

The Ace Ops and Qrow walk out of the mines looking badass with Marrow glancing at Clover before changing his posture to seem more intimidating. Blake, Ren, Weiss and Yang meanwhile just stand behind them before Ruby, Jaune and Nora all suddenly came onto the screen with happy looks.

 Blake, Ren, Weiss and Yang meanwhile just stand behind them before Ruby, Jaune and Nora all suddenly came onto the screen with happy looks

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Ruby, Jaune: (le gasp)

Nora: (quietly) Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Jaune: (to Clover) You guys were incredible! (does some weird poses) Aw! The way you took do that Geist without even planning your tactics out you just... knew exactly what to do!

Clover: Well, Ace Ops are hand picked to perfectly compliment one another. So we could focus on our assets and leave our liabilities behind.

Marrow: (butting in) Some of us are all assets! Zero liability!

Elm chuckles which Marrow notices as he rushes up to her.

Marrow: Wha? Yeah?! You think I've got some liabilities Elm?

Elm: Your brains for one.

The Ace Ops chuckle at Marrow who just sulks.

Vine: (while walking away) You did ask..

The camera suddenly reveals Nora just behind Elm who notices her.

Nora: Hi! Do you need a new best friend? Our pair name could be...

Nora: Hi! Do you need a new best friend? Our pair name could be

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Harriet looks at Nora with a weirded out look as Ruby runs up to her.

Ruby: Perfect, complimentary teamwork. Ah, I wanna have my friends back just like that.

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