Volume 9 Epilogue

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After being asked the question, Onyx nods hesitantly.

Onyx: Yeah... I'm ready.

Blacksmith: Good. Now, I want you to know that the only thing that could happen to you here is what you want to happen. The choices of what you become and where you end up is yours to make.

Onyx nods once more.

Blacksmith: Hm? You seem rather nervous? You don't know what you want?

Onyx: I... I guess? There's still a part of me that's conflicted.

Blacksmith: I see. Tell me, what do you want to be?

Onyx: I wanted to be a hero... just like my parents. I always looked up to them. They were the greatest Huntsman and Huntress to exist. I wanted to follow their footsteps, do the right thing, save the day. But... everywhere I go... Adamas, Beacon, Atlas... I only fail and whenever I try to do the right thing, I get told that it's not. The current me is... it pales in comparison to them.

Blacksmith: So you despise who you are right now.

Onyx: Yeah...

Blacksmith: What if I were to tell you that you could be anyone?

The multi-colored leaves fly past the Blacksmith and Onyx. Multiple cases containing many weapons appear surrounding Onyx and the Blacksmith.

Onyx: Woah...

He walks along the different weapon cases before stopping at an axe encased inside it.

Onyx: Who did these weapons belong to?

Blacksmith: It's not about who did, but who could. Can you feel the man who might hold it? The weight of who he is. He could be you. You could put any one of them on, and leave Onyx Richards behind.

Onyx looks around at the array of weapons, still unable to make a decision.

Onyx: The weight... of who he is.

His mind thinks back to his father and how the Atlas citizens berated him after being framed during the election.

He's a disgrace! He's a fricking disgrace to the kingdom! And to his family!

He should be ashamed! His parents would be ashamed!


He covers his ears, not wanting to hear anymore of the insults.

Onyx: The feeling of not being enough... that's a lingering feeling I've felt for years, even when people didn't know I was their son. The pressure of being related to them is just... overwhelming.

Two glass cases glow red and aqua green respectively, catching his attention. He slowly walks over and recognises it to be his parents signature weapons.

Onyx: Mum... Dad.

He places both hands on the glass and gently places his head onto it, as he silently begins to cry.

Onyx: Please... I don't know what to do...

Blacksmith: You know... I've already told this to Ruby Rose but... maybe you're not the only one who has felt the weight of other's expectations.

Onyx: ...

Blacksmith: Who's to say that your parents weren't suffering from the burden of expectations just like you?

Onyx: ...

Blacksmith: Perhaps... you didn't fully comprehend what your parents expected from you?

Onyx: Huh?

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