Volume 9 Chapter 5

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Jaune: It... It's really you, right? When I saw you in the market...

Jaune hesitantly pauses and looks down. 

Ruby: Jaune, it's really us.

Team RWBY and Penny hug Jaune while Neo stands off to the side. Little, who appears on top of Jaune's head, also hugs him. Jaune smiles with tears of joy.

Ruby: How did you find us?

Blake: How are you the Rusted Knight?

Yang: And when did you get older by a lot?!

Jaune: (sigh) I, uh... Guess we've all got a lot of catching to do...

Jaune looks over to Onyx.

Jaune: What happened to Atlas after I fell?

Onyx: ...


Later, the group, Jaune and creature named Juniper have already left the Gardens Arce and arrive in a flower field.

Jaune: I see... so she has two Relics now.

Onyx: And they're bound to get another with Cinder having the ability to do so.

Penny: At least she doesn't know where the Beacon Relic is!

Weiss: Well there's that to be thankful for at least.

Jaune sighs as Onyx sits on the floor.

Onyx: We still lost Atlas and the relic...

Blake: But we got everyone out safely. Penny said so.

Onyx: ("I don't know about everyone...")

Weiss: We've risked their home to save the Relic... And we failed.

Blake: Getting everyone out has to count for something.

Ruby: What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway...

Yang: That's how Ironwood thought... you don't mean that.

Ruby looks down.

Jaune: You done?

Jaune calls out rather rudely.

Jaune: We need to move before the weather turns, or it's gonna take us a lot longer to get to safety.

Onyx: ...

Jaune: There'll be plenty of time to lick your wounds later. Come on.

Onyx looks over to Ruby who closes her eyes.

Onyx: ("He's right... but...")


The group are now following Jaune and Juniper in a large field of grass.

Yang: So... Where're we going again?

Jaune: My village. Heh. I still can't believe you made it all the way from the Crimson Keep on your own.

Blake: Not on our own. We had help. The... Oh.

She notices the Curious Cat is not with them.

Blake: I hope the Cat is okay.

Jaune: What cat?

Little: That cat!

Little points to the Curious Cat running towards the group through the grass, their bottom half picking up the rear before reuniting with the top half, causing them to tumble.

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