Volume 7 Chapter 7

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Inside Onyx's dorm.

The boy sits down on his bed, alone, with a menacing look in his eyes. 

Onyx: Tyrian.... (grits his teeth) Callows....

Onyx clenches his hand into a fist as lightning sparks around it.

Onyx: ....

After a few seconds of silence, he gets up from his bed and leaves his dorm.

Onyx: ("I'll kill him! I'll kill all of them!")

(scene change)

Inside Ironwood's office.

Ironwood: This is the worst case scenario! More people are dead! Penny and Onyx's been framed and somehow, Jacques Schnee is sitting on the council!

Clover: That's the second shipment for Amity that was hit, today. Seems election night was the last push Robyn needed to go from hometown hero to full on vigilante.

Winter: I'm afraid the problem is more complicated than that. All of a sudden, the people in Mantle and Atlas are in outrage now that they figured out that Onyx is (F/N)'s and (M/N)'s son. And that they're saying that he's a disgrace to his family.

Ironwood: (sigh) That boy cannot catch a break. I forgot to ask, how is Onyx doing, Ruby?

Ruby: He's been couped up in his room since he came back to the academy, we've tried talking to him and reassuring him that it's not his fault but it seems like he's not listening to anything we say.

Qrow: And now with the people in the kingdom calling him a disgrace to his family... It's only gonna add more fuel to the fire... He might snap eventually...

Ironwood: .... The best thing we can do right now involving both Onyx and Penny is to keep them here, where no one can hurt them. But back to the point, it seems Robyn has embolden our suppliers in Mantle. And they're refusing to sell us provisions until the city is adequately repaired. With Robyn redistributing the goods her team has STOLEN, the Amity project is completely stalled.

Ruby: But we're so close! There has to be some way we can finish the tower.

Winter: There is... Declaring martial law.

They all turn to Ironwood who is looking out the window.

Nora: You're not.. actually considering that, are you?

Ironwood: What's more important? Establishing communications, unite the world. Or appeasing a few city blocks.

Nora: Don't make it sound trivial when you know it isn't! You keep talking about how we just need a little more time, but... you're not the one having the struggle.

Ironwood faces the group.

Ironwood: We have all, had to make sacrifices for the greater good. Mantle has had to bear a lot of the burden, yes. But-

Nora: They're bearing all of it! The longer this waiting game goes on, the harder each day gets for the people down there. And now you wanna send in more soldiers?! You can't force people to fall in line! If you do that, you'll just be trading all these problems for the Grimm!

Ironwood stares at Nora for a few seconds before sitting down on his desk, with his hands on his face.

Ruby: Please General Ironwood, squeezing Mantle this way, that kind of division plays right into Salem's hands. That's why Tyrian is here, framing you.

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