Volume 9 Teaser

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The boy in question wakes up with a daze, breath completely ragged before grimacing at the feeling of pain in his right eye.

Onyx: Ow...

He places his right hand over it before putting it in front of his face for him to see.

Onyx: Blood...

It was there that he was reminded of the events that transpired. Whether it has been minutes, hours, days, weeks or months since those events, he doesn't know. He looks around at his surroundings, taking note of the rather colourful and bright colours of this new area... or world.

His attention was then brought back to the blood that was practically covering the right side of his face, with a bit more blood oozing out from the cut going vertically across his right eye

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

His attention was then brought back to the blood that was practically covering the right side of his face, with a bit more blood oozing out from the cut going vertically across his right eye. It was a reminder of his sacrifice to keep Penny alive, whether the sacrifice was worth it, remains to be seen.

Onyx: I need to cover this up, I'm still losing blood by the minute.

???: U-Ugh...

A groan nearby catches his attention as he looks to his left and sees Penny and Neo all laying on the floor.

Onyx: Penny! Neo!

He quickly rushes over to the two and kneels beside them, shaking their shoulders.

Onyx: You girls okay? Please be okay!

He continues shaking them, still getting no response, until Penny speaks in a coarse tone.

Penny: O-Onyx?

Penny asks as she slowly opens her eyes, briefly closing them from the brightness of the sky above.

Onyx: Yeah... it's me. It's me, Penny.

Penny's eyes adjust to the brightness as she gets a good view of his face, or rather the bloodied face to be specific. Her eyes widen in horror, seeing the state of her friend.

Penny: O-Onyx...

Onyx: Why are you so shocked? You already saw my bloodied face before we fell.

Penny: Fell... that's right! We fell! W-Where are we?

Lightning Strike: RWBY x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن