Volume 1 Chapter 12 (Rewrite)

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(Onyx's POV)

Weird... I feel something or someone's head, laying on my chest.

???: Mmmhh...

Huh? Who was that?

???: So warm~.

I slowly open my eyes and adjust to the sunlight as I see Blake was the one who was laying on top of me.

Onyx: (chuckles) Cute...

I place my hands on her cat ears and start rubbing them gently, earning a very cut cat smile from Blake along with some purrs.

Blake: Mhmmm...

Her eyes slowly open as her eyes slowly focus on me.

Onyx: Morning...

Blake: (groggy) Onyx?

A few seconds later, Blake realizes where her head is as she swiftly gets up with a blush on her face.

Blake: S-Sorry about that...

Onyx: It's fine, don't worry about it... How was your sleep?

Blake: It was... comforting... Yeah, it was really comforting with you here. (smiles) Thank you.

Onyx: (smiles back) You're welcome. Now come on, (gets up from the bed) let's go and eat breakfast. We might even run into golden monkey.

Blake: (giggles)

(scene change)

Blake and I met up with golden monkey at a café where monkey boy and Blake were drinking tea while I'm just drinking hot chocolate, all three of us strangely drinking in silence.

Sun: So...

Blake: Why are you even here?

Sun: Well, it's my second day here in Vale and I thought I'd go and make some friends.

Onyx: (skeptical) Right...

Sun: (extends his hand out to me) The name's Sun Wukong! Friends call me Sun!

I stare at his hand for a second before shaking it.

Onyx: Onyx... Onyx Richards.

Sun: So... (cups chin in his hands) tell me about yourselves.

Onyx: Um... I'm 16 years old and uh... I like playing video games.

Sun: (nods) Plays video games, definitely a friend material. (turns to Blake) How about you?

Blake and I look at each other for a moment, then turn to Sun.

Blake: So, you want to know me...

Onyx: Blake...

Blake: It'll be fine, Onyx...

Onyx: ("A man we literally just met yesterday is trustworthy enough to tell him about something personal that you've been keeping since you joined Beacon? Definitely questioning your judgement here, Blake, but I'll just roll along.")

Blake: Sun... are you familiar with the White Fang?

Sun: Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps who use force to get whatever they want... Bunch of freaks if you ask me.

Lightning Strike: RWBY x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon