Volume 9 Chapter 4

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Yang: This entire world is put together like a bunch of mixed-up puzzle pieces. How does everyone make sense of this?

Curious Cat: Each acre is made specifically for its inhabitants and their roles. Is it not like that on Remnant?

Onyx: Uh, not really.

Curious Cat: How strange. It never even occurred to me to ask that before.

Weiss: I have a question I'd like to ask. How much longer before we're back to regular size? 

Curious Cat: Not long at all. The garden is just down this path, and is sure to have all the ingredients we need for a lovely Grow-gurt Parfait. Just don't go talking to anyone without me. If you're not careful...

Blake: We might get our heads cut off.

Neo: Oh how fun.

Curious Cat: That is how we met, isn't it? (chuckles) Ooh, you Remnant folk are such troublemakers.

Onyx: ...

Weiss: Well, I'm sure we'll cause a lot less trouble once we're back to normal.

Curious Cat: Bah. I don't see what all the fuss is about. Some of my best friends are six-inches tall. If I were you, I'd be more worried about... Oh, who was that scary sorceress you mentioned? Uh... Salim? Salem? How many more does she need to end the world again? (chuckles) How are you even supposed to stop her now that Atlas is gone?

Onyx: ...

Ruby: ...

Onyx stops as he looks at Dark Seal.

Onyx: ("I was... a plaything when I fought her, even with these powers.")

Ruby meanwhile, shuts her eyes.

Yang: Uh, hey, Rubes?

Ruby: Uh... I...

Blake: Maybe we shouldn't worry about home right now. We got enough problems to--

Penny: Oh? The cat has disappeared from my sights.

Ruby: Wait what?!

Onyx: Shit! Where could they have gone?

Little: Oh! They saw a bug.

Yang: And you didn't say anything?

Little: It was a very interesting bug?

Neo facepalms while Penny giggles at such innocence.

Weiss: (sighs) Of all the characters from the book, why did it have to be the Cat? Why couldn't we have gotten help from the Lively Carpenter or the Rusted Knight? One was sweet, one was handsome, and neither of them had the attention span of a goldfish!

Little: You know, I bet you could find a goldfish in one of these ponds.

Neo rolls her eyes at the comment as the group then hears a deep humming nearby.

Onyx: Hey, be quiet. Do y'all hear that?

Penny: I can hear it...

Onyx and Ruby walk further into the forest, as they soon come across a large, blue glowing mushroom with a garden in front of it.

Ruby: Is this... the Garden?

Onyx: But we don't know who's humming... or where it's coming fro-


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