Volume 8 Chapter 6

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(Third Person POV)

The group stands in shock over the sudden reveal.

Ruby: Niece... of General Ironwood?

Weiss: I didn't know General Ironwood had a niece.

Alex: Well, it's more like an adopted niece.

Alex notices the group standing very defensively while keeping their distance.

Alex: Guys, calm down, even though I'm his niece, I don't work for him.

Blake: How can we trust you?

Alex: Well, here.

She throws her weapon to the side and raises her hands up.

Alex: My uncle... hasn't been the same man ever since Beacon fell. And now, hearing about what he plans to do with Mantle... I won't stand for it.

No one says anything as they try to see if she's lying.

Kelly: I think we should trust her.

Weiss: Are you sure, Kelly?

Kelly: (nods) Positive... And plus-

She looks out into the distance at the grey sky.

Kelly: -we'll need as much help as we can get.

(scene change)

The four ladies, as well as Whitley and Alex enter the bedroom where Nora is located with Klein, with Ruby, Weiss and Alex carrying the unconscious Penny.

Blake: She lost consciousness and she's... leaking.

Klein: Set her down on that table behind me.

The three carrying Penny gently place her down before sighing at the green goo on their clothes.

Alex: Nice...

Ruby: (to Klein) Can you help her?

Klein scans Penny using her Scroll as his eyes turn red.

Klein: Based on what you told me, I hardly know what she is.

He then coughs as his eyes change back to its normal colour.

Klein: But her basic anatomy seems similar enough, it can at least stitch up that wound.


The group looks at the window upon hearing the rumble as the power suddenly goes out.

Whitley: Well, that's just rich.

Ruby then receives a call from May as she answers.

May: Everyone okay back there? Just saw another bombing run light up the Kingdom!

Ruby: Looks like part of the city lost power... But we're okay though.

May: Sorry I couldn't stick around but time is running out for everyone in the crater!

Ruby: No, we're sorry. Once we enough what's wrong with Penny, we'll do... something.

May: Don't be yourself up, kid... (sigh) At this point, I don't know how much left there is to be done.

Ruby ends the call as she looks down in thought.

Ruby: It's all just... too much. The Grimm, the crater, Nora, Penny. How do we fix all of it?

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