Volume 8 Chapter 5

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(Third Person POV)

Ozpin: (inside Oscar's head) I'd like to express a gift, that this is my burden to bare, not yours. His grudge is with me.

Oscar: No, it'll be even worse. 

The camera reveals the horrible sight of Oscar Pine.

The camera reveals the horrible sight of Oscar Pine

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Oscar: He's holding back with me, I can tell.

Ozpin: (inside Oscar's head) I understand, I do. But you've done so much already, the least I can do is give you a break and try to get us out of here. 

Oscar: We can't leave yet, this is our chance. 

Ozpin: (inside Oscar's head) Hmmm, maybe you've taken one too many hits.

Oscar: Salem, she knows she can't take on the whole world at once. So she doesn't, she has her followers work their way in. Sabotaging us from the inside out.

Oscar/Ozpin: Maybe we should do the same.

Ozpin: (chuckles) We certainly are similar, you and I. Maybe we have been presented with an opportunity.

Just then, Hazel enters the room, cracking his knuckles.

Oscar: (rolls his eyes) Great. 

Hazel grabs him by the scruff of the neck and pins him to the wall.

Hazel: You don't need to fight this war, kid. Tell me what I need, and we can be done.

Oscar's eyes glow as Ozpin takes control.

Ozpin: Hello, (looks at Hazel) Hazel.

Hazel immediately recognizes the voice.

Hazel: (angrily) Coward! All this time, it could've been you. But you let him suffer. 

Hazel throws Ozpin across the room as he menacingly approaches him.

Hazel: Now, tell us how this damn lamp works... The boy has suffered enough.

Ozpin gets up, while clutching his stomach.

Ozpin: Why do you follow her?

Hazel push kicks him as he slides across the floor. 

Ozpin: Gahah!

Ozpin: ... I know... (cough) I know how you see me, but her, look at what she does, how is she the answer? Why not stop her?

Hazel: Salem can't be stopped. (walks away and touches a long sharp bone) She's a force of nature, I've seen it firsthand... But you.

He breaks off a piece of the bone as he turns back to Ozpin.

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