Volume 8 Chapter 2

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Juztin41: Quick thing, to differentiate the two groups, I will be referring to Onyx's group as Team Mantle, and Ruby's group as Team Atlas. Other than that, here's the chapter.

(Third Person POV)

Somewhere inside Atlas, Qrow, Robyn, Jacques and Watts are both being held up in their own separate cells.

Right now, Qrow stares at Clover's bloodied pin.

Robyn: (sigh) This is your fault, you realize that, don't you?

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Robyn: (sigh) This is your fault, you realize that, don't you?

Robyn is shown walking back and forth around her cell.

Robyn: All I wanted was to bring people together! To give them... a chance at a better life... But you!

Jacques: Me? I am a victim!

Robyn: Tch!

Jacques: I admit I was dearly duped! Used! And though my hands may not be cleaned, at least I am not a murderer!

Qrow briefly looks up as Robyn stares at him, solemnly.

Robyn: If you're referring to Qrow then just for the record, he didn't kill anybody.

She then continues her angry march around her cell.

Robyn: And I'm not gonna stand here and be lectured by some snake with a moustache! Who helped that man tear us all apart!

The three all look at Watts who is just casually laying down on his seat.

Watts: Yes, well... I suppose we're stuck in it together now.

Jacques: Speak for yourself... I know the right people, I'm sure Whitley has reached out to my legal team and will have me out of here before you can say-

Robyn: Shut up!

She punches the barrier between her and Jacques as he covers up in a rather girly manner.

A loud siren can be heard as a door open in the distance. Three Atlesian Military soldiers walk inside and disable the barrier containing Watts as they approach him.

Watts: You do realize that you've already caught me.

One of the soldier bunts him in the head using his gun, thus knocking him out.

Jacques: Guh!...

Robyn stares at the soldiers with a confused look while Qrow does the same before looking down.

Robyn: (sighs and sits down) I hate not being able to do anything...

Qrow: We can do something... (looks up) We can kill the man... who put us here!

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