Volume 1 Chapter 10 (Rewrite)

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(Third person POV)

The scene opens to an overhead shot of Glynda leading Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team CRDL and Onyx through the forest of Forever Fall.

Team RWBY and Team JNPR seem to be excited about visiting the forest while Team CRDL could barely give any shit. As for Onyx, he has his headphones on as he is showing signs of discomfort as he looks down at his bandages every few seconds.

Onyx: ("Please don't bleed here.")

As they are walking through, Glynda starts instructing the students on what to do.

Glynda: Yes students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside the forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

The group then stops, and Jaune, grunting while carrying a large case with six empty glass jars on top, attempts to catch up with them but ends up bumping into Cardin. The dickhead scowls at Jaune, who tries to feign innocence by whistling.

Glynda: (holding a jar full of tree sap) Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates, and Onyx, just stay with one of the teams.

Onyx: Right.

Glynda: We'll rendezvous here by 4 o'clock. Have fun!

Soon after, Onyx grabs a jar and walks off alone. Team RWBY watch him in concern as they remember what he said the night before with Jaune.

Meanwhile, Jaune gets dragged by Cardin.

Cardin: Come on buddy! Let's go!

Jaune looks over at his team to see Nora and Ren oblivious to the situation as they walk into the forest's depths, while Pyrrha looks at Jaune sadly. Left with no other choice, Jaune sighs and follows Cardin and his team.

(scene change)

Now perched on a hilltop overlooking the other students, Team CRDL and Jaune, who is squeezed between Cardin and Russel- peak their heads over the crest as they watch everyone retrieve their samples of sap. Ren was kneeling to collect a sap from a tree, passes a full jar of Nora who "Mmm"s at the gift from Ren as he trades it for the other jar in her hand. He turns back to the tree and starts filling up the other jar as licking sounds can be heard off-screen as the camera turns back to Nora, now bearing an embarrassed smile while covered in sap with an empty jar in her hands.

Jaune: (turns to the left) Cardin, what's going on?

Cardin: (still glaring at the group sharply) Payback.

Jaune follows his gaze as he realizes who he is aiming for.

Jaune: (widens his eyes) Onyx?

He watches Onyx just casually gathering more sap from a tree with his headphones still on, his face showing no emotion.

Jaune: W-What are you-?

Cardin pounds his fist to the ground.

Cardin: There's that cunt. Fucking made a fool out of me and my team, thinks he's so cool. Alright boys...

He pulls out a cardboard box with a large "W" written on its sides.

Cardin: Last night, old Jaune here managed to round up an entire box of Rapier Wasps, and now, we're gonna put him to work.

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