Volume 8 Chapter 4

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(Onyx's POV)

As I watch Gracie close her eyes with a smile on her face, I feel the grip of her hand on mine slowly loosen.



Onyx: (chuckles) To think I would be crying about the death of an enemy... No... I'm not crying about Aurora, I'm crying about Gracie.

I stand up and stare at Gracie's body as it slowly dissipates with the black dust slowly flying up to the sky.

Onyx: (smiles) Tell your mother I said hi, Gracie...

Regaining my thoughts, I turn to see the Monstra out in the distance.

Onyx: ("I need to find Yang, Ren and Jaune... In all honesty, they probably couldn't save Oscar, especially with this cold, their Aura will be drained.")

I run off, using my Semblance as I start making my way out of Mantle.

Onyx: ("Please be safe you guys.")

*a few minutes ago during Onyx's fight with Aurora*

(Kelly's POV)


If you're wondering where I am right now, I'm inside one of those tubes that shoots me up to Atlas Central Command. Suffice to say, I'd rather not take this way ever again.

But suddenly, everything stopped. And the door finally opens as I open my eyes and stumble out of the tube. Luckily, Ruby catches before I face plant. 

Ruby: Woah, easy there, Kelly!

Kelly: T-Thanks...

Ruby: (giggles) Your ponytail is a bit messy.

Kelly: Oh gee, I wonder why?

Nora: Oww, oww!

I look over and see Weiss pulling on Nora's ear.

Nora: Come on! It was a once in a lifetime experience!

Kelly: Yeah, chill out, Ice Queen. There was a button and we couldn't help it.

Weiss then glares at me as she lets go of Nora's ear.

Nora: (pouts) Ow.

Weiss: Don't think I forgot about you, Aqua!

She reaches to grab my ears as I grab hold of her arms.

Weiss: Let! Me! Grab! Your! Ears!

Kelly: Never!

May: Hey, Atlesian girls, settle down. We don't anyone to freaking hear us.

Weiss: (rolls her eyes) Fine.

She pulls away as she glares at me once again.

Weiss: I'll get you back.

Kelly: Whatever you say, Weiss.


We look over and see Blake walking out of her tube, dazed with her hair slightly messed up as well.

Blake: This... better be a once in a lifetime experience.

Blake and I fix our hair before we walk down the hall before stopping just before a bridge with a door on the other side.

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